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Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Tom Toy: IoT Security

The Tech Academy
310 SW 4th Ave Suite 412
Portland, OR 97204, USA (map)



Featured Speaker: Tom Toy

Tom Toy was a recent graduate of the Tech Academy and has 20+ years of expertise in Software Sales, building relationships, advocating for clients, and collaborating with technical, sales, and engineering experts to deliver specialized development tools to the Embedded Systems market. Tom started to see a huge challenge protecting connected devices from unwanted intrusion and joined NewSky Security in Redmond, WA to explore business opportunities with a predictive security technology. 

His talk will be from a Business Perspective and Cover These Topics:

• IoT Enterprise Security Nightmare.

• Recent IoT Attack Examples.

• White Hat vs. Black Hat Hacking.

• Summary of The Most Common Attacks. 

• Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure Data Base. 

• Why Anti-Malware and Firewalls Can Fail for IoT Infrastructure.

• Threat Models.

• Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning For Security.

• Model For Protecting Connected Devices.

• Credential Monitoring.

• Followed by Q&A.


