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Monday, October 10, 2016 at 3:54pm.
JavaScript Study Night
var studyNight = {
..... what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.',
..... when: '6-9pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays',
..... where: 'Epicodus',
..... who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct',
..... attendees: []
Come study, learn, or work on a project at JavaScript Study Night! Every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6-9pm at Epicodus. We welcome anyone interested in JavaScript, whether you're just starting or already a pro.
Take a look at our github repository for links to exercises and resources: https://github.com/wwcodeportland/study-nights/tree/master/javascript-study-nights
By coming to JS Study Night, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct.