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Monday, March 21, 2016 at 8:40am.
Elixir Games PDX - Get in the Zone
Exterior doors will lock at 6:00 PM. Attendees will need to use the bank of elevators (there are two) in the lobby going to floors 2-6 in order to get to floor 5. Elevators to the 5th floor will be unlocked for the event times.
We parted ways from the normal format of this meetup last time, and instead of working on the problem stated, we ended up working on trying to get a relatively complex Erlang project (erl-dns) to build using only Elixir's build chain as well as added an Elixir module to the project to ensure that we could attempt to extend the project using only Elixir code.
This month we'll continue the games format, but instead of a contrived problem we'll continue down this path of modifying and contributing to an open source project.
For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike.
If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here: https://github.com/elixir-pdx/, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches.
Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns.
If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them.
Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team.
Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go.
Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us.