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Cyber Security Literacy For Entrepreneurs: What You Need To Know

Union Bank
407 Southwest Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97205, United States (map)



Built Oregon, the digital magazine that brings awareness to entrepreneurs & companies throughout the diverse regions of our state through inspirational storytelling, events, and podcasts, and our Presenting Sponsor Union Bank, hosts "Cyber Security For Entrepreneurs: What You Need To Know"


Over the last few years we have seen cybersecurity move from the realm of IT to the center stage. With mega breaches impacting every industry from retail, healthcare and government, institutions and businesses of all stripes and sizes are continuously under attack by increasingly sophisticated and well funded adversaries from around the world.

In this panel we will discuss what businesses should be aware of when it comes to cybersecurity, and what they can do to mitigate risk associated with cybercrime. We will highlight issues around:

  • Data collection as a resource and liability 
  • Challenges securing remote workers, and IT systems built and used without company approval or knowledge (known as "shadow IT")
  • Understanding your attack surface (the aggregate of all known, unknown and potential vulnerabilities and controls) both in the office and in the cloud
  • Securing payments and preventing fraud
  • You’ve been breached…what happens now?


Ken Westin - Sr. Security Analyst at Tripwire Inc


