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Thursday, August 29, 2013 at 11:26am.
SBIR Phase 1 Proposal: Determining Which Agency to Submit to
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive federal funded Research and Development (R&D) program that is a vehicle for small business to commercialize innovative cutting edge technology, processes, and/or methodologies within a myriad of categories and concentrations. However, the questions become where does my research fit; what are the factors that determine the category for the research submission; can I submit the proposal in more than one category or more than one agency?
More often small business and research professionals struggle with where their idea, concept, and/or product are best suited when deciding to submit an SBIR Phase I proposal. If a proposal is not placed in the correct agency, including the correct category the proposal will be rejected.
This must-attend Webinar focuses on assisting Principal Investigators (PI’s), Research Professors and other Research Professionals on determining where to submit their SBIR Phase I Proposal. Your expert presenter will examine the SBIR Phase I Programs at the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Defense (DoD) in order to obtain an understanding of the types of research is being funded and the intricacies of the various agencies and categories in order to assist the participants in aligning their research properly.