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Portland Area Game Development Interest Group October Meeting + Roundtable

338 NW 6th Ave
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)



Hi all! It’s PAGDIG time again. This time at a brand new location.

While the Lucky Lab has served us well for many a meetup, we’ve been looking for a new venue for a while where we could hold roundtable discussions at a reasonable volume without a lot of bad acoustics, especially now that outdoor seating is not an option with fall weather. Finally that month is here, as Corwin has graciously arranged to get us meeting space at the p:ear Gallery at 338 NW 6th Avenue. It will be Tuesday, 10/30 at 7pm. We were unable to book our usual Thursday this month, but we will endeavor to do that next month.

To celebrate, pizza and beverages will be provided. Feel free to bring your own stuff too, or stuff to share if you are nice like that.

The roundtable discussion subject this month:

Marketing Your Creation and Yourself in the Modern Era, for Profit and Non-Profit

As the gatekeeping for the release of games has become decentralized in recent years, so have the channels in which we get the word out about what we make. Whether it’s for the purpose of marketing a product for profit or getting the word out about smaller indie projects (as in the case for Kickstarters, etc), the landscape for promotion seems paradoxically both more accessible and more puzzling than ever.

How do you market these channels while staying authentic? What about channels like Greenlight that mix marketing and gatekeeping? How important are trailers and videos? Are the old channels like ads and publishers even relevant anymore or is word of mouth king? What about bundles and offer aggregators? Is the “story” of who is developing their game of interest to the consumer?

Let’s put our heads together and come up with some kind of road map, or at least have fun trying.

