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Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 5:45pm.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 5:45pm.
Simple (old office)
This venue is no longer open for business.
Kender Elford will talk about doing OpenGL programming with Scala, and Leif Warner will do a short talk on using the Spray library, an asynchronous microframework for building full RESTful servlets on top of Akka actors. The meeting will take place at 7PM at the BankSimple offices (aka, the Urban Airship building), which is located at 334 NW 11th (at the intersection of 11th and Flanders). If you have any trouble finding it, feel free to call me at 971-322-9408. If possible, I'll try to make sure we have some pizza there (anyone want to sponsor this month?). Also, I believe we have a free ticket for OpenSource Bridge to give away.