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The Fourth Portland Data Visualization Group

851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Enter the the Pacific First building (851 SW 6th Ave) from the 6th Ave side. Security will code you into the elevator. Once on the 16th floor follow the sign.



It’s time for another Portland Data Visualization Meetup! The last one occurred on Thurs, April 29. We’ll have three to four main presentations and networking time. Webtrends will again graciously host us on their top floor.

Current speakers for Data Viz #4: 1. Periscopic will present two politically-themed data visualizations they’ve done, both of which use public data. Each presentation will take 30-40 minutes.

  1. Aaron Parecki and Amber Case will present new data from a project they’ve been working on dealing with GPS and SMS data called Geoloqi.com. They may also present a visualization of wiki commits to cyborganthropology.com over time.

  2. A number of Portland Data Viz group members recently attended a Tufte lecture, which most everyone found to be very useful! Joe, a Portland Data Viz member, enjoyed the blot maps presented by Tufte. He will give a very short presentation on them. It will include a guide on how to build your own from US Geographic boundary files, as well as a discussion on Tufte’s criticism of this data visualization method.

Who Should Go? The event is open to everyone interested in or working in the field of data visualization. This means designers, programmers, information architects, data miners, anthropologists, ect. We’re expecting a similar amount of people to last time (probably around 20-30 people).


