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Portland Data Visualization Group #3

851 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Enter the the Pacific First building (851 SW 6th Ave) from the 6th Ave side. Security will code you into the elevator. Once on the 16th floor follow the sign.


It's time for another Portland Data Visualization Meetup. The last one occurred on November 3rd, 2009. A number of things have happened since then, like Marshall Kikpatrick's coverage of #pdxboom, the release of Lee Byron's Stacked Graph Source Code, Ben Stabler's development of a Flex/Flash data visualization platform and R visualizations, and Aaron Parecki's continued GPS visualization experiments.

We'll have four main presentations from members of the Portland tech community a bunch of networking time. Webtrends will again graciously host us on their top floor.

The event is open to everyone interested in or working in the field of data visualization. This means designers, programmers, information architects, data miners, anthropologists, ect. We're expecting a similar amount of people to last time (probably around 20-30 people).

Bring a passion for data visualization, and a mind open to exploring new ideas and concepts.
