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Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 8:33am.
Darcs Hacking Sprint
Who : Anybody who wants to hack on Darcs (or Camp, Focal, SO6, etc) Beginners especially welcome!
Why : Darcs aims to have bi-annual hacking sprints so that we can get together on a regular basis, hold design discussions, hack up a storm and have a lot fun.
What : We plan to put some finishing touches on Darcs-2.4. Darcs 2.4 is a pretty exciting release because we expect it to offer nice performance enhancements from Petr's Google
Summer of Code Project, and also a nice new 'hunk splitting' feature.
We also intend to set aside at least one Darcs hacker for mentoring beginners, so if you're new to Haskell or to Darcs hacking, here's a good chance to plunge in and start working on a real world project.
How: Add yourself to http://wiki.darcs.net/Sprints/2009-11