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Show: All | Calagator::Events | Calagator::Sources | Calagator::Venues

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Change #72071

update Calagator::Event 1250481344 BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference Roll back

end_time 2024-10-26 18:00:00 -0700 2024-10-26 18:30:00 -0700
Change #72070

update Calagator::Event 1250481344 BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference Roll back

Change #72069

update Calagator::Event 1250481344 BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference Roll back

description BSides PDX is an information security and hacking conference bringing together top local talent to learn, share, and hack. Over 35 sessions and events will be held in downtown Portland. Registration is open now. BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching. BSides PDX is an information security and hacking conference bringing together top local talent to learn, share, and hack. Over 35 sessions and events will be held in downtown Portland. Registration is open now online for General Admission and Workshop Registration opens Wednesday 10/16. BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.
end_time 2024-10-26 16:30:00 -0700 2024-10-26 18:00:00 -0700
start_time 2024-10-25 09:00:00 -0700 2024-10-25 08:30:00 -0700
Change #72068

update Calagator::Event 1250481344 BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference Roll back

end_time 2024-10-26 00:00:00 -0700 2024-10-26 16:30:00 -0700
start_time 2024-10-25 00:00:00 -0700 2024-10-25 09:00:00 -0700
Change #72067

create Calagator::Event 1250481344 BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference Roll back

description nil BSides PDX is an information security and hacking conference bringing together top local talent to learn, share, and hack. Over 35 sessions and events will be held in downtown Portland. Registration is open now. BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.
end_time nil 2024-10-26 00:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481344
start_time nil 2024-10-25 00:00:00 -0700
title nil BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference
url nil
venue_details nil Portland State University Smith Memorial Student Union Registration on Third Floor, Room 338
venue_id nil 202390271
Change #72066

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481343 Купить грузовую резину XCENT EL891 315 80R22.5 Roll back

Change #72065

create Calagator::Event 1250481343 Купить грузовую резину XCENT EL891 315 80R22.5 Roll back

description nil <a href="">Купить грузовую резину XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 в Усть-Уда</a> по цене прoизвoдителя. Cвяжитeсь с нaми пo вoпросам сoтpyдничecтвa и срокaм oтгpузки шин. Грузовая шины XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 созданы на оcнoвe мeждyнapодных стандаpтов и имеют oтличнoе качecтво oбеcпeчивaющие длитeльный экcплyaтaциoнный пeриoд пpи макcимaльных нaгpyзкaх. Отлично заpeкoмендoвaли cебя при комбиниpованнoй eзде пo камню и асфальту. Пpи пpоизводcтве грузовой резины испoльзуютcя мaтериaлы выcoкогo качecтвo с примeнением натyрaльногo кaчeства, чтo позвoляeт шинам дepжaть pабoчие тeмпеpатypы, иметь cтойкocть к иcтирaнию. Бpeнд грузовой резины XCENT отличнo ceбя заpeкомeндовaл в cтpaнах Еврoпы и набирает популярнoсть в Poccии. Доcтупнaя cтоимость шин oбoснованa зaинтeрeсoванноcтью пpоизвoдителя в пpoдвижeнии своeгo брeнда на внyтpеннeм рынке Pосcии и cтpaнах CНГ. При oтгрузкe каждая паpтия шин прoхoдит контроль кaчeства. Модeль грузовой резины XCENT EL891 набиpаeт попyляpнocть в России, чтo я являeтся oтличнoй peкoмендацией при покупке грузовой резины. Мы пpиглaшaeм к coтpудничеcтвy aвтoтpанспортные пpедприятия и пpедпpинимателeй, oбecпeчивaя прямые закупки пo цeнe пpоизвoдитeля и оплaте за пoставляемыe шины в рублях с НДС. Отгружаемая пaртия шин XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 240 шт. Пo вoпpосaм cотpудничeствa и сpoкам oтгрузки просим связывaться по указанным кoнтактaм нa сaйте. Подрoбнyю инфopмацию о грузовой резине мoжетe изyчить на нaшeм cайтe.
end_time nil 2024-10-14 18:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481343
start_time nil 2024-10-14 17:00:00 -0700
title nil Купить грузовую резину XCENT EL891 315 80R22.5
url nil
venue_details nil <a href="">Купить грузовую резину XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 в Усть-Уда</a> по цене прoизвoдителя. Cвяжитeсь с нaми пo вoпросам сoтpyдничecтвa и срокaм oтгpузки шин. Грузовая шины XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 созданы на оcнoвe мeждyнapодных стандаpтов и имеют oтличнoе качecтво oбеcпeчивaющие длитeльный экcплyaтaциoнный пeриoд пpи макcимaльных нaгpyзкaх. Отлично заpeкoмендoвaли cебя при комбиниpованнoй eзде пo камню и асфальту. Пpи пpоизводcтве грузовой резины испoльзуютcя мaтериaлы выcoкогo качecтвo с примeнением натyрaльногo кaчeства, чтo позвoляeт шинам дepжaть pабoчие тeмпеpатypы, иметь cтойкocть к иcтирaнию. Бpeнд грузовой резины XCENT отличнo ceбя заpeкомeндовaл в cтpaнах Еврoпы и набирает популярнoсть в Poccии. Доcтупнaя cтоимость шин oбoснованa зaинтeрeсoванноcтью пpоизвoдителя в пpoдвижeнии своeгo брeнда на внyтpеннeм рынке Pосcии и cтpaнах CНГ. При oтгрузкe каждая паpтия шин прoхoдит контроль кaчeства. Модeль грузовой резины XCENT EL891 набиpаeт попyляpнocть в России, чтo я являeтся oтличнoй peкoмендацией при покупке грузовой резины. Мы пpиглaшaeм к coтpудничеcтвy aвтoтpанспортные пpедприятия и пpедпpинимателeй, oбecпeчивaя прямые закупки пo цeнe пpоизвoдитeля и оплaте за пoставляемыe шины в рублях с НДС. Отгружаемая пaртия шин XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 240 шт. Пo вoпpосaм cотpудничeствa и сpoкам oтгрузки просим связывaться по указанным кoнтактaм нa сaйте. Подрoбнyю инфopмацию о грузовой резине мoжетe изyчить на нaшeм cайтe.
venue_id nil 202397785
Change #72064

create Calagator::Venue 202397785 TireShonna Roll back

events_count nil 0
id nil 202397785
title nil TireShonna
Change #72063

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481342 ivss vivapore plastic recovery pipettes, - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

Change #72062

create Calagator::Event 1250481342 ivss vivapore plastic recovery pipettes, - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

description nil <a href="">oxygen in nitrogen, 2%, 1x48l, scotty 48 - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>dri-block heater, techne, db-2p, 120v - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>eppendorf fixed angle rotor f34-6-38, 6x 85ml - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>eppendorf standartips 2.5ml - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> oxygen in nitrogen, 6%, 1x4l,scotty 4 - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
end_time nil 2024-10-13 18:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481342
start_time nil 2024-10-13 17:00:00 -0700
title nil ivss vivapore plastic recovery pipettes, - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
url nil
venue_details nil <a href="">oxygen in nitrogen, 2%, 1x48l, scotty 48 - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>dri-block heater, techne, db-2p, 120v - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>eppendorf fixed angle rotor f34-6-38, 6x 85ml - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>eppendorf standartips 2.5ml - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> oxygen in nitrogen, 6%, 1x4l,scotty 4 - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
venue_id nil 202397784
Change #72061

create Calagator::Venue 202397784 LavillNix Roll back

events_count nil 0
id nil 202397784
title nil LavillNix
Change #72060

update Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

description Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a Accessible Document Special-ist (ADS), and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements. **Cancelled** Sorry, due to unforeseen events this event is cancelled. We hope you can join us for our events in November and December! — Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a Accessible Document Special-ist (ADS), and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University.
title Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith [Cancelled] Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith
Change #72059

create Calagator::Event 1250481341 Podcast Club: Yuval Noah Harari | Information & Social Order | Making Sense Podcast Roll back

description nil We will discuss this podcast: - Podcast: - Video: **Please listen to/watch the podcast before-hand** What's this week's podcast about? Sam Harris speaks with Yuval Noah Harari about his new book, Nexus, and its application to current crises. They discuss humanity’s capacity for self-destruction, democracy and dictatorship as information networks, the “naive view of information,” the advantages of fiction over truth, trust in institutions, self-correction in a democracy, truth vs. power, truth vs. order, the suicide of conservatism, fixing social media, algorithms as editorial choices, efficiency vs. inefficiency, threats to democracy, and more. What is a Podcast Club?: It’s like a book club for podcasts. We’ll listen to a podcast episode on our own, then get together at a bar or patio and talk about it in small groups. The atmosphere is casual, low-pressure, and laid back. The idea is to enjoy some thought-provoking conversation, learn a thing or two, and have some fun.
end_time nil 2024-11-21 20:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250481341
start_time nil 2024-11-21 18:00:00 -0800
title nil Podcast Club: Yuval Noah Harari | Information & Social Order | Making Sense Podcast
url nil
venue_details nil We'll be in the main lounge area.
venue_id nil 202397781
Change #72058

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481340 PDXOSGeo October Meetup Roll back

Change #72057

create Calagator::Event 1250481340 PDXOSGeo October Meetup Roll back

description nil PDXOSGeo meets this next Wednesday Oct 16. Lots of topics on the board for this month including Map Demo Lightning Rounds, GIS Day Planning, and a mini-workshop on how to contribute to Disaster Relief Mapping efforts with OpenStreetMap and the OpenStreetMap US Tasking Manager. More details here: If you're curious about geospatial tech, open source, GIS, or data viz, this is a great group to connect with -- all are welcome! Wednesday Oct 16, 2024 @ 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR
end_time nil 2024-10-16 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481340
start_time nil 2024-10-16 18:30:00 -0700
title nil PDXOSGeo October Meetup
url nil
venue_details nil Hot Lips Pizza
venue_id nil 202396416
Change #72056

destroy Calagator::Venue 202397783 LavillNix Roll back

Change #72055

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481339 3- 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

Change #72054

create Calagator::Event 1250481339 3- 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

description nil <a href="">synthware r erlenmeyer flask, capacit - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>4- 3-chloro-5-fluorophenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>4- 4-carboxy-3-fluorophenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>6- 3- n,n-dimethylaminocarbonyl phenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> 4- 4-bromophenyl morpholine, 97% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
end_time nil 2024-10-07 18:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481339
start_time nil 2024-10-07 17:00:00 -0700
title nil 3- 4-fluoro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
url nil
venue_details nil <a href="">synthware r erlenmeyer flask, capacit - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>4- 3-chloro-5-fluorophenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>4- 4-carboxy-3-fluorophenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>6- 3- n,n-dimethylaminocarbonyl phenyl -2-hydroxypyridine; 95% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> 4- 4-bromophenyl morpholine, 97% - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
venue_id nil 202397783
Change #72053

create Calagator::Venue 202397783 LavillNix Roll back

events_count nil 0
id nil 202397783
title nil LavillNix
Change #72052

update Calagator::Venue 202397782 48 North Pizzeria Roll back

access_notes nil
address nil 6500 S Virginia Ave., Portland OR 97239
country nil USA
description nil Located in South Portland in Johns Landing with some of the best pizza! Open daily from 11am to 10pm. We also offer catering 7 days per week from 11am to 10pm. Located in Portland, Oregon (Johns Landing), 48 North Pizzeria offers a variety of custom pizzas as well as plenty of options to design your own on either a 10", 14" or 18" crust. Speaking of crusts... our hand crafted doughs and sauces are made fresh daily. Options include traditional, thick, gluten free, and hand tossed craft beer pizza doughs. We also offer the largest vegan pizza menu in Portland.
email nil
events_count 1 2
latitude nil 45.4771
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6737
postal_code nil 97239
region nil Oregon
street_address nil 6500 S Virginia Ave.
telephone nil ​503-348-3665
url nil
Change #72051

create Calagator::Event 1250481338 BSD Pizza Night Roll back

description nil A meeting of folks interested in BSD operating systems and related technologies to get together, eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on. Both the pizza and beer are optional.
end_time nil 2024-10-17 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481338
start_time nil 2024-10-17 19:00:00 -0700
title nil BSD Pizza Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202397782
Change #72050

create Calagator::Venue 202397782 48 North Pizzeria Roll back

events_count nil 1
id nil 202397782
title nil 48 North Pizzeria
Change #72049

update Calagator::Event 1250481067 NEDME (Northwest Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo) Roll back

description NEDME is the Pacific Northwest's leading trade show and networking event for the high-tech industry, connecting local businesses with engineers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and reps. The expo showcases the region's vibrant electronics manufacturing sector, highlighting innovation, expertise, and economic growth. *Connect with industry leaders and innovators *Explore exhibits showcasing cutting-edge technologies *Attend insightful keynote presentations and technical sessions *Network with peers and potential partners *Support local economic growth and community development *Lunch is provided Attendee Registration: Now open. Register at Doors open at 7:30am Keynote session at 8:00am Exhibit floor open 9am-4pm Technical sessions 10am-3pm NEDME is the Pacific Northwest's leading trade show and networking event for the high-tech industry, connecting local businesses with engineers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and reps. The expo showcases the region's vibrant electronics manufacturing sector, highlighting innovation, expertise, and economic growth. <br>Connect with industry leaders and innovators <br>Explore exhibits showcasing cutting-edge technologies <br>Attend insightful keynote presentations and technical sessions <br>Network with peers and potential partners <br>Support local economic growth and community development <br>Lunch is provided <br><br>Attendee Registration now open. Register at <br><br>Doors open at 7:30am <br>Keynote session at 8:00am <br>Exhibit floor open 9am-4pm <br>Technical sessions 10am-3pm
Change #72048

update Calagator::Event 1250481067 NEDME (Northwest Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo) Roll back

description The NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo (NEDME) is the premier trade show and networking event for members of the high-tech industry in the Pacific Northwest. NEDME connects local businesses with engineers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and reps in a fun atmosphere that promotes innovation and learning. NEDME is the Pacific Northwest's leading trade show and networking event for the high-tech industry, connecting local businesses with engineers, entrepreneurs, buyers, and reps. The expo showcases the region's vibrant electronics manufacturing sector, highlighting innovation, expertise, and economic growth. *Connect with industry leaders and innovators *Explore exhibits showcasing cutting-edge technologies *Attend insightful keynote presentations and technical sessions *Network with peers and potential partners *Support local economic growth and community development *Lunch is provided Attendee Registration: Now open. Register at Doors open at 7:30am Keynote session at 8:00am Exhibit floor open 9am-4pm Technical sessions 10am-3pm
end_time 2024-10-30 16:00:00 -0700 2024-10-30 16:30:00 -0700
start_time 2024-10-30 09:00:00 -0700 2024-10-30 08:00:00 -0700
Change #72047

create Calagator::Event 1250481337 Invention Lab Roll back

description nil Invention Lab is a 2-day, hands-on workshop designed for high school students with a passion for creating and launching their own business! Expert business owners will guide you through the entire process, helping you take your idea from concept to reality. We’ll give you the tools, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in entrepreneurship—if you’re serious about starting a business, this is the workshop for you! Throughout the workshop, you’ll explore the full invention process, learning how to brainstorm, design, prototype, and pitch your ideas. Whether it’s a product, service, or innovative solution, Invention Lab gives you everything you need to bring your vision to life. Plus, this experience serves as the perfect introduction to the TYE (TiE Young Entrepreneurs) Program, where you can continue to grow and sharpen your entrepreneurial skills. What You’ll Receive: - Mentorship from the pros: Learn directly from successful entrepreneurs. - Hands-on learning: Turn your ideas into actionable prototypes and plans. - All-inclusive experience: We provide lunch, snacks, and all necessary materials. - Expand your network: Make new friends and connect with like-minded aspiring entrepreneurs. If you're ready to build something amazing and take the first step toward becoming a business owner, sign up for Invention Lab today!
end_time nil 2024-10-20 10:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481337
start_time nil 2024-10-19 10:00:00 -0700
title nil Invention Lab
url nil
venue_id nil 202396007
Change #72046

create Calagator::Event 1250481336 Podcast Club | Ryan Holiday - Stoicism, Resilience, & Managing Stress Roll back

description nil Please listen to this podcast episode prior to the event: 10% Happier | Ryan Holiday - Ancient Strategies For Managing Stress And Anxiety - Apple: - Video: What's this week's podcast about? Digging into the nuts and bolts of Stoicism with one of its best-known modern proponents. Ryan Holiday is a prolific author, whose books include The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, and Discipline is Destiny. This episode covers the history and theory of Stoicism, forward-thinking, existential awareness, journaling, the four Stoic values, Buddhism, and more. What's a Podcast Club? It’s like a book club for podcasts. We’ll listen to a podcast episode on our own, then get together at a bar or patio and talk about it in small groups. The atmosphere is casual, low-pressure, and laid back. The idea is to enjoy some thought-provoking conversation, learn a thing or two, and have some fun. Our meetings generally follow this format: - Meet and mingle - A few rounds of small group discussions - Grab food/drink somewhere nearby
end_time nil 2024-10-10 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481336
start_time nil 2024-10-10 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Podcast Club | Ryan Holiday - Stoicism, Resilience, & Managing Stress
url nil
venue_details nil We'll be in the TV Lounge room
venue_id nil 202397781
Change #72045

update Calagator::Event 1250481333 AI Discussion Group for Non-engineers | Voice Clones - RadioLab Roll back

venue_details We'll be in the TV Lounge room We'll be sitting inside
venue_id 202397781 202397502
Change #72044

create Calagator::Event 1250481335 Seth Godin Book Launch Event Roll back

description nil On Tuesday October 22nd Seth Godin's publisher is releasing his newest book called This is Strategy: Make Better Plans. RSVP PDQ
end_time nil 2024-10-22 10:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481335
start_time nil 2024-10-22 09:00:00 -0700
title nil Seth Godin Book Launch Event
url nil
venue_id nil 202395672
Change #72043

update Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

description Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA) and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements. Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a Accessible Document Special-ist (ADS), and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements.
Change #72042

update Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

description Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements. Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA) and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements.
Change #72041

update Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

description Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements. Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter Adam McBride-Smith has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland. He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements.
Change #72040

update Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

Change #72039

create Calagator::Event 1250481334 Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith Roll back

description nil Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon. Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking. #### Agenda * 5:45–6:00pm Networking * 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements * 6:15–7:00pm Presentation * 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion * 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up #### About the presenter He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University. #### Accommodation requests If you have any accommodation requests, please [contact us](mailto:[email protected]) as soon as possible before the event so we can make arrangements.
end_time nil 2024-10-22 19:45:00 -0700
id nil 1250481334
start_time nil 2024-10-22 17:45:00 -0700
title nil Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith
url nil
venue_id nil 202390270
Change #72038

update Calagator::Venue 202397781 Steeplejack Brewing Company Roll back

access_notes nil
address nil 2400 NE Broadway
country nil United States
description nil
email nil
events_count 1 4
latitude nil 45.5349
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6408
postal_code nil 97232
region nil OR
street_address nil 2400 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232
telephone nil
url nil
wifi false true
Change #72037

create Calagator::Event 1250481333 AI Discussion Group for Non-engineers | Voice Clones - RadioLab Roll back

description nil Please listen to this podcast episode prior to the event: RadioLab | Voice Clones: - Apple:: - Spotify: What's this week's podcast episode about? One man secretly hands off more and more of his life to an AI voice clone. This episode features veteran journalist Evan Ratliff who - for his new podcast Shell Game - decided to slowly replace himself bit by bit with an AI voice clone, to see how far he could actually take it. This episode surfaces questions about AI ethics and how AI agents might impact various aspects of our life and work. What's an AI Discussion Group for Non-engineers? This is a discussion group for non-engineers focused on exploring the latest applications of AI in business, productivity, and everyday life. Every month, we’ll listen to a podcast on our own, then meet up and discuss in small groups. Attendees should have a fundamental understanding of AI concepts like: multi-agent systems, prompt engineering, natural language processing, and human-centered design. Our meetings generally follow this format: - Meet and mingle - A few rounds of small group discussions - Grab food/drink somewhere nearby
end_time nil 2024-10-14 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481333
start_time nil 2024-10-14 18:00:00 -0700
title nil AI Discussion Group for Non-engineers | Voice Clones - RadioLab
url nil
venue_details nil We'll be in the TV Lounge room
venue_id nil 202397781
Change #72036

create Calagator::Venue 202397781 Steeplejack Brewing Company Roll back

events_count nil 1
id nil 202397781
title nil Steeplejack Brewing Company
Change #72035

create Calagator::Event 1250481332 Where to start with Strategic Product Research Roll back

description nil Portland Design Thinkers is excited to announce our next event with Danielle Green: Where to Start with Strategic Product Research Strategic Product Research is in high demand, but Product and UX professionals are often set up to fail. What exactly does strategic research entail? And how does it differ from discovery research? Learn why showing conceptual designs to users doesn’t work and explore better ways to evaluate whether you are building the right product or feature. Geared toward product managers, designers, product leaders, and entrepreneurs, this framework is designed to empower UX and Product professionals to make strategic decisions confidently.
end_time nil 2024-10-17 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481332
start_time nil 2024-10-17 17:30:00 -0700
title nil Where to start with Strategic Product Research
url nil
venue_id nil 202396695
Change #72034

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481331 The People's Digital Safety Fair Roll back

Change #72033

create Calagator::Event 1250481331 The People's Digital Safety Fair Roll back

description nil The People’s Digital Safety Fair is a community event dedicated to building our collective knowledge to protect our safety and well-being in an increasingly digital world.
end_time nil 2024-10-19 16:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481331
start_time nil 2024-10-19 09:00:00 -0700
title nil The People's Digital Safety Fair
url nil
venue_id nil 202397775
Change #72032

create Calagator::Event 1250481330 Portland Linux/Unix Group General Monthly Meeting:OpenWISP, an Open Source Network Management System for OpenWrt Roll back

description nil There are many commercial wifi access point (AP) controller setups, ie a single management interface to control multiple APs. Until recently there wasn't a FLOSS method of doing this. OpenWISP ( is a modular and programmable Open Source Network Management System for OpenWrt. In this presentation we will go over the simple installation and setup process, including connection to multiple OpenWrt access points. Bio: Eldo Varghese is a constant nomad that has settled in Portland as of 3 years ago. Recently turned 40 and looking for more community in his old age. Currently works in an SRE/Devops role at a small non-profit academic journal ( Involved in Linux community in some fashion since 2007, and have used OpenWrt for the past 15 years.
end_time nil 2024-10-03 20:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481330
start_time nil 2024-10-03 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Portland Linux/Unix Group General Monthly Meeting:OpenWISP, an Open Source Network Management System for OpenWrt
url nil
venue_details nil This month marks the return of PLUG to Portland State University, since the pandemic. Thanks to the Computer Science Department and to Andrew Greenberg for hosting us! The room is in the basement of the PSU Engineering Building (also connected underground to the Fourth Avenue Building, or FAB). The outside door will be locked, but there should be someone present at the entrance to the Engineering Building to let you in starting at 6:40pm until 7pm. There will be a sign on the door with a phone number you can SMS if there isn't someone there to let you in immediately.
venue_id nil 202394217
Change #72031

update Calagator::Venue 202397780 Brickhouse Bar and Grill 109 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA Roll back

access_notes nil
address nil 109 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
country nil USA
description nil
email nil
events_count 1 2
latitude nil 45.6323
locality nil Vancouver
longitude nil -122.6717
postal_code nil 98660
region nil WA
street_address nil 109 W. 15th Street
telephone nil
title Brickhouse Bar and Grill 109 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA Brickhouse Bar and Grill
url nil
Change #72030

create Calagator::Event 1250481329 Vantechy Roll back

description nil Join us at VanTechy, an event designed for engineers, programmers, and all-around tech enthusiasts. Our goal is to bring together individuals who spend their days immersed in technology, from pixels to code, and provide a space to connect with like-minded professionals. We understand the importance of sharing experiences and learning from others in the field. Whether you work in Data, UX, AI, or any other tech domain, VanTechy offers a unique opportunity to network, share stories, and gain new insights. Come and enjoy a casual drink and some food while mingling with fellow tech professionals, enthusiasts, and investors in the Vancouver, WA area. We look forward to seeing you!
end_time nil 2024-10-21 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481329
start_time nil 2024-10-21 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Vantechy
url nil
venue_id nil 202397780
Change #72029

create Calagator::Venue 202397780 Brickhouse Bar and Grill 109 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA Roll back

events_count nil 1
id nil 202397780
title nil Brickhouse Bar and Grill 109 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA
Change #72028

create Calagator::Event 1250481328 Startup Open Coffee in the Couve Roll back

description nil Welcome All Founders and Tech Pros • What we'll do You will drink coffee (and tea for those who are recovering caffeine addicts) and talk with other great founders and companies in our local area. • What to bring Nada. Just a friendly demeanor and willingness to meet new great founders and talk about your project. • Important to know This is REALLY not the place you want to come if you are looking for sales leads. This event is a place to meet and share your startup journey and talk about your project. While we appreciate all the members of our community, network marketing and sales reps will find many short unuseful conversations in this crowd. Thanks for understanding.
end_time nil 2024-10-01 11:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250481328
start_time nil 2024-10-01 09:00:00 -0700
title nil Startup Open Coffee in the Couve
url nil
venue_id nil 202396848
Change #72027

create Calagator::Event 1250481327 Startup Conversations in the Couve Roll back

description nil Our Guest Speaker is Calvin Walsh of Unity Foods After graduating from the University of California, San Diego with a degree in Political Science, Calvin worked for many different Candidates and elected officials from City Council to Congressional Representatives on political issues, elections, and legislative policy in many different States. In 2012 he founded Unity Foods LLC, an Oregon-based food distribution business that focus on delivering the worlds best foodservice products to independent restaurants in the Pacific Northwest. Committed to social and economic equality, Calvin volunteers his time to many different local and national organizations. About North Bank Innovations North Bank Innovations is an organization based in Southwest Washington, committed to building a thriving ecosystem that helps early-stage startups. About the Startup Conversations Event Each month we host a local founder who will give a short presentation about their company. They will focus on how it all got started, where they are today, and their plans for the future including the challenges they face to make their goals happen. Following the presentation our host, Dave Barcos will dig into the founder's background, the company's story, and other observations. After the interview, we will have an audience Q&A session to help attendees ask direct questions of the presenter. It has proven to be a great format to catalyze the local founders and the startups in the region. You won't want to miss it. For more details on other North Bank events check our event calendar at Please note, that we encourage genuine networking, not hunting for sales or leads. If you are genuinely starting or working with a startup, this is the right crowd for you. Thanks for helping us keep it real.
end_time nil 2024-10-09 11:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481327
start_time nil 2024-10-09 09:30:00 -0700
title nil Startup Conversations in the Couve
url nil
venue_id nil 202395263
Change #72026

destroy Calagator::Venue 202397779 LavillNix Roll back

Change #72025

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481326 5-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzaldehyde - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

Change #72024

create Calagator::Event 1250481326 5-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzaldehyde - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed Roll back

description nil <a href="">z-tyr-ala-oh - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis 4- methoxycarbonyl phenyl ester - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>1h-isoindole-1,3 2h -dione, 5- 4-aminophenoxy - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>methanone, phenyl 2,3,4-trihydroxyphenyl - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> z-arg mtr -otbu - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
end_time nil 2024-09-27 18:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250481326
start_time nil 2024-09-27 17:00:00 -0700
title nil 5-hydroxy-2-nitrobenzaldehyde - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
url nil
venue_details nil <a href="">z-tyr-ala-oh - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </a> Tegs: <u>1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis 4- methoxycarbonyl phenyl ester - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </u> <i>1h-isoindole-1,3 2h -dione, 5- 4-aminophenoxy - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </i> <b>methanone, phenyl 2,3,4-trihydroxyphenyl - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed </b> z-arg mtr -otbu - kupit' online v internet-magazine chimmed
venue_id nil 202397779
Change #72023

create Calagator::Venue 202397779 LavillNix Roll back

events_count nil 0
id nil 202397779
title nil LavillNix
Change #72022

destroy Calagator::Event 1250481325 Power BI Training in Bangalore: Unlock the Power of Data Analytics Roll back