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Code Fellows

920 SW Third Ave. Floor 2
Portland, OR 97204, United States of America (map)

Future events happening here

  • - No events -

Past events that happened here

  • Wednesday
    Nov 30 2016
    Code Oregon Labs - November 30, 2016

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows PDX invites online learners of all stripes are invited to Code Oregon Labs!

    This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans.

    Together with Code Oregon and generous volunteers from the #pdxtech community, Code Fellows PDX is happy to host this event! Our goal is a 6:1 learner-to-tutor ratio.

    Bring your laptop

    Pizza & drinks provided.


  • Thursday
    Sep 1 2016
    Emacs Hack Night

    Code Fellows

    Tonight, our Emacs Hangout will feature a Hack Night, where we can all get together and hack on new or existing projects that members bring. Not sure what this may entail? Check out these initial thoughts on the subject. Not sure what to hack? We'll begin our evening of hackery with a brief 5-minute trick: This week will demo the organization capabilities of use-package.

    If you have a little or big project or problem you'd like to solve, bring it, and pair up with someone who may have some experience in that area.

    Hope to see you all there!

  • Code Fellows Grads & Their Bosses

    Code Fellows


    6:00 pm - Doors Open/Registration/Networking 6:30 pm - Presentation 8:30 pm - Wrap up


    Back by popular demand...

    "Will they really hire me??"

    This is far and away the most common question we get from career-changers considering jumping feet-first into immersive training with Code Fellows. Our answer is an emphatic, "YES!"

    But don't take it from us: Come hear from PDX hiring managers and their code school-trained developers! Find out what they were looking for and why they hired these code school grads.

  • Thursday
    Aug 25 2016
    Code Oregon Labs - REACT

    Code Fellows


    6:00 pm - Doors Open/Registration/Networking/Setup 6:30 pm - Presentation 7:00 pm - Co-working/Collaborating/Tutor 8:30 pm - Clean up/Leave


    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs for some free tutoring from industry professionals! Bring your laptop and a desire to learn.

    As a monthly community event, we strive to lower barriers for entering tech to ultimately increase diversity in talent.

    Together with Code Oregon and generous volunteers from the #pdxtech community, Code Fellows is happy to host this event. Each month, our goal is a 6:1 tutor-to-learner ratio.

    Look for pizza and beverages!

  • Saturday
    Aug 13 2016
    Code Fellows Code 101

    Code Fellows

    You MUST register on EVENTBRITE in order to save a spot for this event. IT IS A PAID EVENT. Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here!

    This one-day workshop is the perfect place to figure out if coding is for you. You’ll get a sneak peek of what a career in coding involves, plus a taste of the Code Fellows learning experience.

    Learn how websites are built and code one yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices.

    An hour before the start of the workshop will be dedicated to helping students get their computers set up with the appropriate tools.

  • Wednesday
    Aug 10 2016
    Journey of the Female Coder

    Code Fellows


    6:00 pm - Doors Open/Registration/Networking 6:30 pm - Panel Begins 7:30 pm - Networking 8:30 pm - Wrap Up


    Come to Code Fellows in conjunction with Women Who Code to hear stories of women who are going through the different stages of coding. We will have women who are currently taking classes, graduating, looking for jobs, and hired as developers to discuss their experience in learning code and what it took/takes to get a job. Join us for a night of networking, drinks, food, and be educated at the same time.

  • Thursday
    Aug 4 2016
    Emacs Hack Night

    Code Fellows

    Tonight, our Emacs Hangout will feature a Hack Night, where we can all get together and hack on new or existing projects that members bring. Not sure what this may entail? Check out these initial thoughts on the subject. Not sure what to hack? We'll begin our evening of hackery with a brief 5-minute trick: This week will demo how to get started with your own personalized mode-line.

    If you have a little or big project or problem you'd like to solve, bring it, and pair up with someone who may have some experience in that area.

    Hope to see you all there!

  • Thursday
    Jul 28 2016
    Code Oregon Labs - Faster Websites - July 2016

    Code Fellows


    6:00 pm - Doors Open/Registration/Networking/Setup 6:30 pm - Presentation 7:00 pm - Co-working/Collaborating/Tutor 8:30 pm - Clean up/Leave


    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs for some free tutoring from industry professionals! Bring your laptop and a desire to learn.

    As a monthly community event, we strive to lower barriers for entering tech to ultimately increase diversity in talent.

    Together with Code Oregon and generous volunteers from the #pdxtech community, Code Fellows is happy to host this event. Each month, our goal is a 6:1 tutor-to-learner ratio.

    Look for pizza and beverages!

    Speaker: RJ Zaworski

    RJ Zaworski is a software developer working to build an open, inclusive, continuously improving internet. He will be speaking on keeping web-based applications running fast outside the development environment, which means coming to terms with a raft of external forces. Poor connections, browser quirks, and sheer physical distance are all conspiring against the end user experience.

    From script blocking to browser caching, this workshop will develop a framework for recognizing common frontend performance issues and introduce tools for addressing them. Make it work; make it right; make it fast.

  • Thursday
    Jul 21 2016
    PDX Emacs Hack Night

    Code Fellows

    Our Emacs Hangout will feature a Hack Night, where we can all get together and hack on new or existing projects that members bring. Not sure what this may entail? Check out these initial thoughts on the subject.

    If you have a little or big project or problem you'd like to solve, stop by for a bit of hackery and fun.

    Hope to see you all there!

  • Thursday
    Jul 14 2016
    How to start a coding career in less than 6 months

    Code Fellows

    onsidering a career in coding, but wondering how exactly you'll get there and what your job prospects will be once you're trained up?

    At this event, hear from Code Fellows alumni, instructors and staff on how Code Fellows helps you launch your new career as a software developer. We'll have pizza, beverages and plenty of time to answer any and all questions you have about the Code Fellows formula for success.

    RSVP; space is limited.

  • Tuesday
    Jul 12 2016
    The Developer's Guide to Startups

    Code Fellows


    6:00 PM - Doors Open, Networking, & Snacks 6:30 PM - Talk starts 7:15 ~ 7:30 PM - Open to audience questions

    The Developer's Guide to Startups

    Are you a developer with an eye on the startup scene and all its opportunities? Learn the value of your skill set and how to evaluate startup opportunities like an angel investor. In our free event, you will get the insider perspective on understanding startup valuations and economics, and learn what documentation you need before you start to code.

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn everything you need to know about joining an early-stage startup in today's tech market.


    Dave Parker is the CEO of Code Fellows, bringing over 20+ years of experience and career success with him. An Alumnus of the University of Washington, Dave has been recognized by the World Technology Network for Innovation in the Software Industry, Forbes “Best of the Web” and the Puget Sound Business Journal’s “40 under 40”. He has served on the Board of Directors and as CEO of various other start-ups, helping them scale and sell. He has worked internationally in Japan and China, facilitating the exchange of technologies between nations.

  • Wednesday
    Jun 15 2016
    Info Session: How to Launch A New Coding Career in Less Than 6 Months

    Code Fellows

    Considering a career in coding, but wondering how exactly you'll get there and what your job prospects will be once you're trained up?

    At this event, hear from Code Fellows alumni, instructors and staff on how Code Fellows helps you launch your new career as a software developer. We'll have pizza, beverages and plenty of time to answer any and all questions you have about the Code Fellows formula for success.

    RSVP; space is limited.

  • Saturday
    Jun 11 2016
    Code Fellows Code 101

    Code Fellows

    Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here!

    This one-day workshop is the perfect place to figure out if coding is for you. You’ll get a sneak peek of what a career in coding involves, plus a taste of the Code Fellows learning experience.

    Learn how websites are built and code one yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices.

    An hour before the start of the workshop will be dedicated to helping students get their computers set up with the appropriate tools.

    View the Course Page »

    To Prepare for Class: Please complete the prep work included in your confirmation email and bring your own laptop computer to the workshop. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided. Email [email protected] if you have any dietary restrictions.

    Refund Policy: This course is fully refundable up to 24 hours before the start of the event. Cancellations within 24 hours of the start of the event are non-refundable and non-transferable. To request a refund, please click "Request Refund" on your ticket in Eventbrite or email us at [email protected].

  • Wednesday
    May 25 2016
    Angling for AngularJS: How it can work for you

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs for some free tutoring from industry professionals! Bring your laptop and a desire to learn.

    As a monthly community event, we strive to lower barriers for entering tech to ultimately increase diversity in talent.

    This month, we welcome Code Fellows grad and developer Max Jacobsen to kick off the open lab tutoring night with a 30-minute demo focused on the AngularJS basics.

    Together with Code Oregon and generous volunteers from the #pdxtech community, Code Fellows is happy to host this event. Each month, our goal is a 6:1 tutor-to-learner ratio.

    Look for pizza and beverages!

  • Wednesday
    May 18 2016
    PDX Emacs Hacker Night

    Code Fellows

    This week's agenda:

    • Using Clojure. A presentation/demonstration on how to get Emacs to work with Clojure, Cider and the Clojure refactoring tools.
    • Lightning Talks. Have something to share? Great! Each lightning talk with be around 5 minutes to show off something cool your learned, so come prepared!
    • Office Hours. At 8:00, we will retire to The Lotus for libations and to nerd the place up with Emacs Office Hours. Bring your latest project or issues, and get someone to help out.

    First Time Users: If you are new to Emacs, let us know, and we'll be happy to help get you set up and answer your questions.

    Note: Our monthly hangouts will be the third Wednesday of each month.

  • Wednesday
    May 11 2016
    Hidden in Plain Sight - Coding Careers Where You Least Expect Them

    Code Fellows

    Considering a career in coding, and wondering what job possibilities there are for you once you're trained up?

    Come and hear from programmers who work for companies you may not immediately associate with web and software development. Portland developers from Wal-Mart, Jaguar Land Rover and a big retail company in Beaverton will tell you a bit about themselves, how they got into their current roles and what exaclty they do there. They'll then take any and all questions from the audience. Space is limited so RSVP now!

  • Saturday
    Apr 9 2016
    Code 101 - Saturday Workshop!

    Code Fellows

    Thinking about a new career in software development or looking for a basic understanding of how coding/coders work?

    Start here with this one-day workshop. Learn how websites are built, and code one yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices. You’ll get a sneak peek of what a career in coding involves, plus a taste of the Code Fellows learning experience.

    Cost is $99 and all three meals are provided.

    All-star instructor team led by Planet Argon's Beth Long.

    Register here:

    See you Saturday!

  • Thursday
    Mar 24 2016
    Code Oregon Labs: Animating Websites

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs!

    Last month we focused on coding for responsive websites, now let’s make ‘em dance! Gaston Figueroa of Uncorked Studios will kick us off with a demo on coding for animation.

    Gaston is a Front-end developer and a Creative Engineer at Uncorked Studios. He has a passion for user friendly interactive experiences, data visualization and creative code.

    About the talk: The 30 min. demo will focus on getting started with web animations. We will look at specific examples to explore various tools, languages (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS), and techniques we can use to produce and optimize web animations.

    After the animation demo, it'll be open lab as usual! Together with Code Oregon and generous volunteers from the #pdxtech community, Code Fellows is happy to host this event. Each month, our goal is a 6:1 tutor-to-learner ratio.

  • Wednesday
    Mar 9 2016
    Code Fellows Grads & Their Bosses: What Got Them Hired
    pizza beer

    Code Fellows

    "Will they really hire me??" This is far and away the most common question we get from career-changers considering jumping feet first into immersive training with Code Fellows. Our answer is, "YES," but don't take it from us: Come hear from PDX tech hiring managers and their code school-trained developers! Find out what they were looking for and why they hired these code school grads.

    CollegeNET Inc.: Ron Floyd, Web Developer // Tyler Roy-Hart Production Manager & Lead Developer

    Nike: Laura Kuhner, Web Developer // Katie Boyd, Web Developer

  • Thursday
    Feb 18 2016
    Code Oregon Labs - Building Responsive Websites

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs. We'll kick off this month's lab with a 30 minute demo on how to build a responsive website -- a site that adapts to user devices (mobile, tablet, desktop).

    Jana Uhrich, developer at WebMD Health Services will do a 30 minute demo, followed by the usual open lab with volunteer tutors on hand to help you with whatever you're working on.

    The 30 min. talk/demo will focus on HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. Tutors are knowledgeable on these and other stacks.

    Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows provides tutors at a 6:1 ratio -- and pizza for the hungry!

  • Saturday
    Feb 13 2016
    Code 101: Intro to Software Development & Careers

    Code Fellows

    This is a paid event, please register at EventrBrite via the link

    Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here! This one-day workshop is the perfect place to figure out if it’s for you. You’ll get a sneak peek of what a career in coding involves, plus a taste of the Code Fellows learning experience.

    Learn how websites are built and code one yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices.

    To Prepare for Class: Please complete the prep work included in your confirmation email and bring your own laptop computer to the workshop. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided. Email [email protected] if you have any dietary restrictions.

    Refund Policy: This course is fully refundable up to 24 hours before the start of the event. Cancellations within 24 hours of the start of the event are non-refundable and non-transferable. To request a refund, please click "Request Refund" on your ticket in Eventbrite or email us at [email protected].

  • Thursday
    Jan 14 2016
    Develop Your Career in Tech: How to Get There

    Code Fellows

    Join Code Fellows for an evening chat on roles in tech and how to get there. This month we'll get specific on skills you need to land various jobs, and different paths to break into coding.

    Beth Adele Long, Web Architect at Planet Argon

    Katherine Wu, Developer at New Relic

    Jordan Smith, Freelance Interactive Designer

    We love to build community, each month we're partnering with FreeGeeks - donate any electronics you no longer use and learn about their internship opportunities in tech.

    Please RSVP on EventBrite

  • Thursday
    Nov 19 2015
    Code Oregon Labs

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs. This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from high-quality, in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans. Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows provides tutors at a 6:1 ratio -- and pizza for the hungry. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!

  • Thursday
    Nov 12 2015
    Portland Campus: How to go from [Your Seemingly-Unrelated career] to Developer
    javascript html

    Code Fellows

    Wondering how to move from your current job into a tech career? Want to hear how your current skills translate into the tech world? Already a developer and need to learn a new stack or level up your skills?

    Join us for a beer (or ginger ale!) to explore career paths in tech and how to get there. You'll hear from professional developers about how they found their way into their current roles. Bring all your questions about the tech industry and how you can change your career.

  • Thursday
    Oct 22 2015
    Code Oregon Labs

    Code Fellows

    Online learners of all stripes are invited to Code Oregon Labs. This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from high-quality, in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans. Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows will provide tutors at a 6:1 ratio. Bring your laptop! Space is limited, so reserve your spot today.

  • Thursday
    Oct 8 2015
    How to go from Airport Baggage Agent to Professional Developer in Weeks (Not Years)
    javascript python ruby html

    Code Fellows

    How will you change your career through Code Fellows? Come hear from US Navy veteran Ron Floyd, who went from airport baggage agent to professional web developer with a Code Fellows bootcamp.

    You'll get to talk to Ron about his career switch and find out how you can do the same.

    RSVP here:

  • Saturday
    Sep 26 2015
    Code 101: Build a Web Page in A Day - Learn What it Takes To Be A Developer

    Code Fellows

    Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here!

    In this one-day workshop, you'll get a taste of a day in the life of a software developer (+ you'll get three square meals!)

    Get a sneak peek into the Code Fellows learning experience, find out how websites are built, and code a webpage yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices.

    At the end of this workshop, you will: • Understand the basics of what it means to be a professional software developer. • Understand how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work together to create the modern web. • Create a complete website. • Know how to deploy your website and be able to share your accomplishments with friends and family. • Know what whiteboarding is and complete a whiteboarding activity in collaboration with your classmates. • Be able to identify whether a career in coding and the Code Fellows program is right for you.

  • Wednesday
    Sep 23 2015
    Code Oregon Labs - Free Tutoring for All Online Learners

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows invites online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs! This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from high-quality, in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans. Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows provides tutors at a 6:1 ratio. Bring your laptop! Space is limited, so reserve your spot today.

    September 23, 2015 Wednesday, 6 – 9 p.m. 920 SW 3rd Ave, 2nd Floor

    RSVP here:

  • Thursday
    Sep 10 2015
    Information Session for Prospective Students, Instructors, Mentors!

    Come by for a beer (or soda or tea!) and find out what Code Fellows is all about!

    Instructors, Alumni, & Staff will give a quick talk on who Code Fellows is and what we do, then open it up to questions and more informal mingling and chatting.

    Jot down your questions, grab a friend, and come on by. Be sure to ask us about our job offer guarantee! 

  • Thursday
    Aug 27 2015
    Code Oregon Labs - Free Tutoring for Online Learners

    Sign Up on Eventbrite:

    Code Fellows and Portland Code School (PCS) invite online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs. This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from high-quality, in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans. Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows and PCS will provide tutors at a 6:1 ratio. Bring your laptop! Space is limited, so reserve your spot today.

  • Thursday
    Aug 13 2015
    Code Fellows PDX - Information Session for Prospective Students, Instructors, Mentors!

    Code Fellows

    Come by for a beer (or soda or tea!) and find out what Code Fellows is all about!

    Instructors, Alumni, & Staff will give a quick talk on who Code Fellows is and what we do, then open it up to questions and more informal mingling and chatting.

    Jot down your questions, grab a friend, and come on by. Be sure to ask us about our job offer guarantee! 

  • Thursday
    Jul 9 2015
    Code Fellows - Learn to Code. Get a Job. Guaranteed. - INFO SESSION!

    Code Fellows

    Thinking about a career change? Need to gain some skills for your current job? Come check us out!

    Code Fellows is hosting an information session on Thursday, July 9 at 7PM.

    Code Fellows is the Northwest's premiere code school, with both part- and full-time courses, five stacks to choose from, and a job offer guarantee.

    Come share a beer with Code Fellows staff, instructors, and alumni. We'll give you a quick spiel to let you know what we're all about, and we'll plenty of time to mingle and ask questions

  • Thursday
    Jun 25 2015
    Code Oregon Labs - Free Tutoring for Online Learners

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows and Portland Code School (PCS) invite online learners of all stripes to Code Oregon Labs. This is an open lab for people who are learning to code online and who would benefit from high-quality, in-person tutoring from professional instructors and industry veterans. Together with Code Oregon and volunteers from the community, Code Fellows and PCS will provide tutors at a 6:1 ratio -- and pizza for the hungry. Space is limited to 30, so reserve your spot now!

    Thursday, June 25, 6-9 PM at Code Fellows - 920 SW 3rd Ave., 2nd Floor

    RSVP here:

  • Thursday
    May 14 2015
    Code Fellows Information Session

    Code Fellows

    Code Fellows hosts an information session for all those interested in learning to code and/or curious about Portland's newest code school.

    We are also building out our team of instructors and seeking volunteers interested in mentoring, guest speaking, workshop-leading!

    Join us on Thursday, May 14 for a beer (or ginger ale!), see the campus, meet the instructors, chat with alumni and ask any questions you may have.

    RSVP here:

  • Thursday
    Apr 9 2015
    Code Fellows Info Sesh for Prospective Students, Teachers, Mentors, Guest Speakers!

    Code Fellows

    Come join us for a beer (or a Coca Cola) and learn all about Portland's newest code school.

    This is an info session for prospective students and also for those interested in teaching, mentoring, speaking or leading workshops.

    Come see our space, meet our staff and alumni, and ask any questions you may have!

    Code Fellows teaches beginning and advanced coding (1-2 years of experience) and has a job offer guarantee for graduates of its Development Accelerator courses: get an offer within 9 months of graduating, or your tuition money back.

    RSVP here:

  • Thursday
    Mar 12 2015
    Information Session - Code Fellows: Learn to Code. Get a Job. Guaranteed.

    Code Fellows

    Come have a beer, meet our staff, chat with alumni, see our new downtown space, and learn about our course offerings. We'll also tell you about our job offer guarantee! Please RSVP here:

  • Thursday
    Feb 12 2015
    Code Fellows Portland Info Session
    javascript beer

    Code Fellows

    Join us for a beer and check out our new campus! Come meet Code Fellows instructor Adron Hall and other staff members at this monthly info session. Find out which class is right for you and learn what it takes to become a software developer.

    Jot down your questions and RSVP today!

  • Tuesday
    Feb 3 2015
    Code Fellows Portland Open House Warming

    Code Fellows

    We're thrilled to be part of Portland Startup Week! You're invited to a coffee session and open house at our new Portland campus. Come see our new space, learn more about upcoming classes, and participate in Portland Startup Week.

    RSVP today!

  • Saturday
    Jan 31 2015
    Unix & Git for Everyone Workshop

    Code Fellows

    Git is everywhere. Creative or engineering, you have directly encountered or will encounter Git in the workplace. Regardless of work style or team size, it is the tool that everyone should be using.

    Unix is the basis for everything from personal computers and cellphones to super computers and web servers. Understanding the principles of how Unix works is essential to being an effective developer.

    In this one-day workshop, you will be introduced to Git and Unix and get up to speed on concepts and workflows in no time. You will discover how working in the command line isn't all that scary, understand how to move between projects with just a few key strokes, and gain confidence with the steps involved for a common Git branching strategy. In addition, you will learn the brief history of Unix and some of the underlying philosophy of the Unix and Unix-like operating systems.

    Cloning isn't just for sheep and galactic empires. Together we will all create and share GitHub repositories using the Unix command line.

    Space is limited. Sign up now to reserve your seat.

    General Public: $250 Incoming Foundations II, Bootcamp, and Development Accelerator Students: $50

    Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
