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Viewing 17 past events matching “smalltalk” by Event Name.

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Oct 4, 2019
Camp Smalltalk
through Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

The Pacific Northwest Smalltalk crew would like to invite you to Camp Smalltalk PDX this October. Join us in beautiful Portland, Oregon for a memorable weekend.

There is no set schedule as of now. Likely topics include:

  • Smalltalk on iOS and Android
  • Web Frameworks
  • GemStone OODB
  • Virtual machine implementations
  • Data processing applications
  • Language design

If you are curious about Smalltalk, learn from the experts. If you are an expert, influence the future generation of Smalltalkers!

Mar 24, 2009 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
GemStone Systems

This month, it's small talk about Smalltalk! That is, we have no scheduled main presentation, so bring your short (or longer) presentations, ideas, whatever you've been working on or wondering about.

May 26, 2009 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Small talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's program includes the presentation

The Laws of Form and Computer Programming

by Andres Valloud. The meeting is in room 86-01 of FAB. Pizza at 6:30, presentations start at 7:00. Building front doors are locked at 8:00PM.

Jun 23, 2009 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
GemStone Systems

Small talk about all things Smalltalk. This month's presentations will include a short presentation by Martin McClure on the design of a special-purpose hashed dictionary.

If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL).

The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door.

Aug 25, 2009 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
GemStone Systems

Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with.

This month's presentation is by Brian T Rice, on his Slate language, a “clean slate” object-oriented Smalltalk-style environment.

The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL).

Oct 27, 2009 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
GemStone Systems

Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the language that started it all and is still incredibly fun to work with.

This month's topics:

  • Martin McClure (with help from Andres Valloud) will talk about hashed collection performance in Pharo. This has been found to be rather bad for many collections, and Martin and Andres have written simple changes that deliver 2-3 orders of magnitude improvement.

  • Brian T. Rice will give an update on Slate.

The building doors are locked; a number to call to be let in will be posted on the front door. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month. If you have a presentation you'd like to give, or one you'd like to see, post to the list (see website URL).

May 25, 2010 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the object-oriented programming language and environment.

This month's program includes a presentation by Andres Valloud on new work on VisualWorks garbage collection and memory policies.

The meeting is in room 086-01 of FAB, known to some directional signs as room 86-01. This room is under the plaza between the Engineering Building and the Fourth Avenue Building, you may enter through either lobby and go down the stairs.

The room will open slightly before 7:00. Building front doors are open, but in previous meetings at this location have been locked at 8:00PM.

Sep 28, 2010 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
GemStone Systems is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.

Oct 26, 2010 -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the object-oriented programming language and environment.

This month's program includes a presentation by Brian Rice about Slate's Haskell-based descendent Atomo, and what features he'll be drawing back into Slate, including Smalltalk-oriented pattern-matching. Also, Slate is gaining general assignment syntax in a non-abstraction-breaking way using Slate's macro facility.

Finally, and intriguingly, a student, Max OrHai, who has been working on Dave Ungar's parallel Squeak VM, has a nice demo.

The meeting is in room 086-01 of FAB, known to some directional signs as room 86-01. This room is under the plaza between the Engineering Building and the Fourth Avenue Building, you may enter through either lobby and go down the stairs.

The room will open slightly before 7:00. Building front doors are open, but in previous meetings at this location have been locked at 8:00PM.

Feb 29, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building, Room 155

Dale Henrichs will talk about using Git to store Monticello packages and Metacello configurations. There may also be presentations about using combinator parsers in Pharo and using Smalltalk in VMWare's Cloud Foundry.

A group of us will probably go for a beer or two afterwards

Jul 31, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
VMware Beaverton

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations.

Nov 27, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations, and a discussion of trait composition as applied to classes.

Jan 29, 2013
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations

Jul 30, 2013
Portland Smalltalk Users
GemTalk Systems

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations

Nov 20, 2008
PostgreSQL: Randal + Smalltalk
Free Geek

While many people may know Randal Schwartz of Stonehenge Consulting ( from his talks and papers on Perl, he is also quite knowledgeable about Smalltalk and will be giving a talk on Smalltalk and Postgres integration.

We will be meeting Thursday, November 20th, at FreeGeek at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab ( ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.

Oct 28, 2008
Smalltalk Users Group meeting
GemStone Systems is the Portland Smalltalk Users Group. The group welcomes programmers interested in the Smalltalk language. Members interact through a mailing list and meet regularly for presentations, demos and discussions.

Sep 23, 2008
Smalltalk Users Group meeting (yes, really)
GemStone Systems

Join fellow programmers interested in Smalltalk for discussions and demos. This is our first meeting of the fall season. Michael Lucas-Smith, Cincom engineer and new Portland resident, will be demonstrating WebVelocity. Other topics may include CouchDB, OpenGL, and building a new website for the group.

The building is in an "L" shape. The main entrance is at the inside corner. The door will be locked, but a phone number to call to be let in will be posted there. If you don't have a cell phone, get there more or less on time and we'll check the door to see if you're waiting.

We often go to a pub after the meeting for food, a beer, and more discussion.
