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Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 4:31pm.
pdx.st -- Portland Smalltalk Users Group
Small talk about all things Smalltalk, the object-oriented programming language and environment.
This month's program includes a presentation by Brian Rice about Slate's Haskell-based descendent Atomo, and what features he'll be drawing back into Slate, including Smalltalk-oriented pattern-matching. Also, Slate is gaining general assignment syntax in a non-abstraction-breaking way using Slate's macro facility.
Finally, and intriguingly, a student, Max OrHai, who has been working on Dave Ungar's parallel Squeak VM, has a nice demo.
The meeting is in room 086-01 of FAB, known to some directional signs as room 86-01. This room is under the plaza between the Engineering Building and the Fourth Avenue Building, you may enter through either lobby and go down the stairs.
The room will open slightly before 7:00. Building front doors are open, but in previous meetings at this location have been locked at 8:00PM.