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Sep 17, 2009
SECP September | Creating Multiple Income Streams
Oregon Stamp Society

One of the most popular modules of our new Self-Employed Academy ( is the one that talks about creating multiple streams of income. This module not only shows how to do that but we also talk about the different 'quadrants' of income you need to develop in order to stabilize you income.

Stabilize your income | What does that mean? What do you do when clients don't want to buy 'services'? It happens. The market tends to be cyclical. When it's down (like now) clients hold onto their money. They want to try to do it themselves. Where does that leave you if you're a service provider?

We're going to show you! There are experts right here in our own community that are doing fine earning a living by creating multiple income streams. SECP has pulled together a stellar panel who will share with you what they're doing to make it work. They'll give you some real examples of what they're doing and then they'll answer your questions.

Visit our site to check out our panel:

Apr 22, 2010
Writing for an Invisible Audience | Susan Rich of RichWriting
IASECP Webinar

Are you writing for the internet? Whether you are writing website copy or blog postings, your goal is to resonate with an invisible audience.

Write it Rich! Real-World Writing Tips for Reluctant Writers is a fast-paced workshop covers:

* How to organize your thoughts and pick a key message
* Ingredients for memorable online content (both written and video)
* Tips and tricks to capture your target market’s attention *Q & A – strongly encouraged!

Susan Rich has earned a degree in journalism…which led to a career writing for newspapers and magazines. Along the way she joined several major companies, including Boeing and Tektronix. She learned how airplanes fly (and why they crash), and what goes on inside a logic analyzer (it isn’t logical if you’re not an engineer). To that end, Susan managed PR and marketing campaigns, developed materials for product launches, and fought the good fight with Excel. She lost — which only goes to show that she writse better than she can build a spreadsheet. After two decades in the corporate sector, Susan left in 2004 to start her own business… Welcome Susan!

You can learn more about Susan, her services, classes and events, and her company RichWriting here:

May 20, 2010
5 Important strategies for self publishing your nonfiction book as a business building tool
IASECP Webinar

Kaya Singer | Awakening Business Solutions

These days many people want to write “Their book!” It feels like getting something in print is one way to help build your business. This is true, however, how you write it, what you write about, who you write it to, what you want to accomplish and how you publish it makes a big difference in terms of meeting your goals.

Kaya Singer ( is the author of the newly published book, “Clear Your Focus, Grow Your Business: 7 Simple Steps to Empower Your Business and Bring Your Money and Freedom.” She helps successful small and solo business owners get clarity on what they need to do to overcome obstacles and take their business to the next level through her coaching programs, tools and seminars.

Kaya has also recently launched a new online community for solo business owners who want real community. Awake Business TeaHouse. You are invited to come and have a peek.

Jun 1, 2010
Multiple Income Streams for Self-Employed Professionals
through Online

Is your website ready for Multiple Income Streams? Join us June 1 – 3 for a 6-hour summit focused on getting your website Income Stream Ready.

Learn to:

* Set up & using Google Analytics;
* Build a killer list & generate leads
* Set up your eJunkie Shopping cart
* Use Social Media tactics to create buzz
* Create & your information product &
  turn your business into a cash machine
* Craft can’t-miss sales pages

For class schedule, speaker info, early bird discount info and to register, visit:

Aug 17, 2010
Developing Information Products: Create, Launch, Sell & Revise!
through Hood River Hotel

A fun getaway PLUS a powerful workshop on the step-by-step process to create and marketing high-end information products to bulk up your income streams. Perfect for solo pros especially those in the communications and creative service industries, consultants and coaches, or other service-based professionals.
