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Viewing 2 past events matching “economic recovery” by Date.

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Mar 4, 2010
TechAmerica HR Event - 2010: The Year to Recover, Retool, Retain
Oregon Zoo

Confused about the economic recovery and what it means for you and your organization? So are we! For the past few years, the HR Committee has presented an annual event focused on “networking”. This year’s event continues the trend … with a twist:

TechAmerica provides the moderator; YOU will be the panelists!

Dr. Jeff Johnson, PHD, SPHR Jeff Johnson, PhD., is a currently a Senior Talent Management Consultant with Right Management. He has been consulting with organizations for over 10 years, working with managers and executives in various industries and at different levels. Jeff helps organizations build key leadership competencies, enhance strategic talent management acumen, and make optimal talent movement decisions. Jeff successfully built a private practice focused on leadership assessment, organizational development, and strategic talent management and holds an MS in Organizational Development and PhD in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from PSU.

Dr. Johnson will start the session with some thought provoking questions and ideas:

  • Preparing for the recovery - It’s coming –are you prepared?
  • Strategic talent acquisition as an increasingly competitive advantage
  • How to get employees motivated to become fully engaged in their jobs
  • Capitalizing employee production while promoting innovation
  • Loyalty – how to maximize employee commitment to your organization
  • Compensation: How to leverage intrinsic motivation when cash is not available
  • Building leadership throughout an organization – why it is more important than ever?

Before the event you will be asked to provide your ranked interest in the Recover, Retool, Retain subjects. We will seat the event based upon interests. Don’t worry – you won’t miss a thing! After half an hour of table discussion with your peers, each table will report out on the highlights of their discussion.

Cost: $35 Tech America members, $35 SAO and OEN Industry members, $55 nonmember technology companies, and $95 other nonmembers

Thank you ACME Business Consulting for sponsoring this event!

Oct 26, 2010
CFO Forum: The Fragile State of the Recovery – Preparing for 2011
Heathman Hotel

Despite the fact that we have been feeling the effects of the Great Recession for over two years, economists continue to predict that the economic recovery will lack momentum in the coming year. In preparing 2011 plans, what does this mean for your company and how are other companies planning to lead their businesses through the fragile state of the recovery.

Join your peers and special guest, Josh Rutberg, Partner, Bain & Company, as he will share Bain’s point of view on the economy, and moderate a discussion that will include:

  • Why the recovery has been so slow
  • The likelihood of slipping back into
    negative growth
  • What companies should do to come out on top

Special Guest: Josh Rutberg, Partner, Bain & Company Josh Rutberg has been a partner at Bain & Company in the San Francisco office since 1999. John is uniquely positioned to see trends across a broad spectrum of business and finance organizations.

Cost to Attend: $55 TechAmerica Members, $80 Nonmembers Register: TechAmerica Oregon, (503) 624-4871

Thank you Moss Adams LLP for sponsoring this event!
