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Change Your Career, Change Your Life :: Alchemy Info Session & Graduate Panel

Alchemy Code Lab
30 NW 10th Ave.
Portland, OR 97209 (map)

We're across the street from Powell's. Come in through the doors off tenth street, and you can find us up the stairs or elevators on the second floor.



Wondering about a career in tech? There are many paths into tech and many types of people too. The volume of suggestions and advice can be confusing and contradictory. Come to our event on September 26th, and find out from our staff and grads:

  • What are the biggest motivators for people transitioning into tech
  • What jobs and roles exist and what are the associated career trajectories
  • What it takes to get hired in tech coming from a non-traditional background
  • How to leverage your prior work experiences and career skills to land a role in tech

If your current job isn’t truly enjoyable, lacks challenge or meaning, or you crave more respect and financial reward, then this is a great event for you to explore the opportunities a career in tech can provide. Our professional software development training program attracts students ready to transition to a rewarding career they love. We are the only code school in Portland specializing in placing people directly into software developer and engineering role, not internships. Join us as we share our secrets on what makes our students successful.

Agenda: 6:00 - 6:15: Networking with food and drink 6:15 - 6 45: Intro to our program and what a future career in coding looks like 6:45 - 7:30: Graduate Q&A Panel

We’re here to answer your questions, and look forward to meeting you!

For more information: - Please email [email protected] with any questions - Weekly Open House each Thursday at 12:30PM where you can learn more, see our program in action, and meet our staff. - Check out our blog ( to learn more about our diverse and talented grads. - Read reviews on Course Report ( and SwitchUp ( for reviews.

We hope to meet you soon!

