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Adapt, Iterate, and Grow with Jira

Wacom Experience Center
1455 Northwest Irving Street
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)

Parking is available on the streets and at nearby garages near REI. Or, take a bike and lock up out front.



Want to implement a Jira Service Desk instance? Trying to get a botched project back on the rails? Or, want to share your war stories and prep for the next upgrade? Portland Atlassian User Group teams up with local technologists to answer your questions and share their knowledge about Jira Service Desk.


When? Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 5pm to 7pm PDT

Where? Wacom Experience Center - 1455 NW Irving St., Portland, OR 97209

What? Learning and collaboration. Bring an appetite and good questions! Food provided for those who RSVP online (help us plan!)

Dylan Pederson is a technical consultant who's successfully implemented JSD instances, migrated servers, and completed upgrades for a number of clients. He'll share his process and lessons learned, including the requirements gathering process, testing, backup, upgrade, and more.

He's joined by Atlassian partner and this month's sponsor Coyote Creek Consulting. Coyote will be offering raffle items and other swag, and guess what, our basket of goodies is now full, too!

Wacom has kindly offered to host us again, thank you. Members of their tech team will also join to share their insights from their own JSD experiences. Learn to be a good client, if you're outsourcing your JSD tech services, and find out what to look for and ask so your org doesn't get taken advantage of.


