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Python Machine Learning and Data Science

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center
20665 SW Blanton St. Aloha, OR 97078-1400
Aloha, OR 97078-1400, United States (map)
Public WiFi

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue - North Operating Center Community Room. If you need any help finding us call Garrett at 503-724-1002.



Do you want to learn Python the Machine Learning Language?

Do you want to see a live demo of an Arduino robot?

How about the Stack Exchange Schema?

We're exploring all of these innovative areas all in one session. We'll share a ton of knowledge in a short amount of time. Don't miss it!

At the end of the session, you'll get an opportunity to brainstorm and present new topic ideas for the following week. Did you know you learn exponentially more when you prepare a topic vs attending as a learner? The winning idea will get the innovator of the week.

Here's a link to my previous Python session https://youtu.be/OX2fVsKbwXg

Here's a link to our topic agenda https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15cmTfCJdwttpYEONdY-uGxMbCo7Z8_sWCKznKknGZ4k/edit?usp=sharing

Join the fun!

