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Python Machine Learning Titanic Kaggle

Hillsboro Public Library
2850 NE Brookwood Pkwy
Hillsboro, OR 97124, OR 97214, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Accessable building, but no transit.

We've located at the Hillsboro Public Library. We'll be meeting in Conference room A, on the second floor.



All aboard the Titanic. Your task, if you choose to accept it, pick a character on the Titanic. Then, you must build a machine algorithm to predict if you survived.

Now that you are afraid of dying, what's the best way to predict your survivorship?

Python Pandas and Numpy. If you want to learn how to build a machine learning algorithm check us out next Saturday at 1 pm in the Hillsboro Brookwood Library. We be using the Kaggle dataset to build our code.

