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January Corvallis .NET Users Group Meeting - Silverlight presented by Arian Kulp

Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97205, US (map)



January Corvallis .NET Users Group (CDNUG) Meeting:

Arian Kulp will be presenting Silverlight. Do you need Flash-like functionality in the browser, but don't want to learn another language? Need rich user interaction on your web site? Want to have your own video player? Come learn about Silverlight, how to use it, and where it makes sense to use it.

Arian Kulp is a Microsoft Certified Professional and your can find him at http://www.ariankulp.com/

Hope to see you there!


Thursday, January 28th, 2010 @ 6:00 PM



RSVP here!

(Or you can email: cdnug.info AT gmail.com (helpful for food ordering))


5:30 - 6:15: Networking Opportunities & Dinner (free food!)

6:15 - 7:30: Arian Kulp "Silverlight"

7:15 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion

7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff!

Please forward this to anyone that may be interested!

Visit the Corvallis .NET Users Group at: http://corvallisdotnetug.ning.com

