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The PCS Classroom (inside Burnside Digital)

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  • Saturday
    Dec 7 2013
    Portland Code School -- Primer Course
    rails javascript

    Web Developer Primer Course

    December 7 - January 4

    No classes the weekends before or after Christmas

    Hit the dev road running with our 4-week PCS Primer course. Learn how to use several important tools used by professional developers, and get a grasp on the underlying concepts of the Internet. This class assumes students have little or no experience with web technologies such as writing code for the web.

    Learning Objectives

    By the end of class you will be able to:

    1. Collaboratively create and deploy a static website using Github and Heroku
    2. Explain http requests and the client-server model
    3. Use the command line
    4. Set up a development environment
    5. Use the Chrome Developer Tools
    6. Add at least one project and one code sample to your portfolio

    Cost: $350 ($250 if you sign up at a PCS event)

    To sign up, please contact Cris Kelly at [email protected].
