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May 22, 2009
The Whuffie Factor: Reading & Discussion by Tara Hunt

The Whuffie Factor is a breakthrough book, providing a map to successful online communities. Tara Hunt, a.k.a. @missrogue, writes that money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book.

In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital. As Tara Hunt has found, online success comes from building a community and being part of it – not by pushing a product or service. If you want to learn the secret sauce behind Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, you have to use them until you love them.

Hunt will lead a discussion on the power of Whuffie in a reception at souk Friday, May 22nd from 7 – 9 PM. The event is free though registration at is encouraged.
