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Viewing 4 past events matching “smart houses” by Date.

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Jun 16, 2018
Understanding the Internet of Things
Free Geek

What is the Internet of Things (IOT)? How does this emerging technology change our understanding of online privacy and safety? What do we need to know to use and embrace this technology safely? Will our fridges and watches be used to hack into our houses?

Join us at Free Geek for this special workshop!

Aug 11, 2018
Understanding the Internet of Things
Free Geek

What is the Internet of Things (IOT)? How does this emerging technology change our understanding of online privacy and safety? What do we need to know to use and embrace this technology safely? Will our fridges and watches be used to hack into our houses?

Join us at Free Geek for this special workshop!

Jan 19, 2019
Understanding the Internet of Things
Free Geek

What is the Internet of Things (IOT)? How does this emerging technology change our understanding of online privacy and safety? What do we need to know to use and embrace this technology safely? Will our fridges and watches be used to hack into our houses?

Join us at Free Geek for this special workshop!

Jun 15, 2019
Understanding the Internet of Things
Free Geek

What is the Internet of Things (IOT)? How does this emerging technology change our understanding of online privacy and safety? What do we need to know to use and embrace this technology safely? Will our fridges and watches be used to hack into our houses?

Join us at Free Geek for this special workshop!
