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Viewing 11 past events matching “postgis” by Location.

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Dec 30, 2014
Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, Dec 30, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will work with OpenStreetMap Data. We will use JOSM to edit OSM data and learn to download OSM data for use in our web visualizations.

NOTE: we have a new time ... we will begin at 7pm and go to 9pm. If you are late, come anyway. We will be in the back room mapping away :)

Mar 20, 2014
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Tonight at MaptimeStJohns, we will review some compiled leaflet maps using several of the leaflet pluggins. We will go through some live custom examples using humangeo's dvf pluggin, we will use postgis and output geojson, geocsv and topojson to add to our leaflet maps, and also discuss some temporal mapping tools.

Bring your laptop with leaflet installed and a webserver available. Have a server scripting language such as php or python and postgressql/postgis installed. If you don't have a laptop, come anyway and you will be able to see these tools in action, as well as receive any materials handed out at the meetup. Bring a flash drive so you can take a copy of the data home.


Jul 29, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. Let's get together and map :) (We meet in the back room)

In June, we worked on creating a basic static map of floods with custom icons showing the size of the floods (a proportional symbol flood map). We went through a demo for using a slider to add amimation to a map... using the flood data it would allow users to see where and when the floods appeared.

In July, I'll bring a completed example of a proportional symbol animated slider flood map that we will review. In addition, we will add one or two other techniques for developing spatio-temporal web visualizations (in leaflet and open layers). Then we will begin using Postgresql/postgis to setup spatial databases, populate them and perform spatial analysis operations.One of our long term goals will be to eventually use data from a spatial database in dynamic spatio-temporal visualizations.

In July, bring your computer. If you have time prior to the meeting, load postgresql/postgis version 9.1 or later onto your computer.

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. 97203

Jun 19, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We have a couple of really interesting topics this month:

  • We'll check out "Mapping Inequality" [1], a project out of University of Richmond, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech and John Hopkins. The project uses Leaflet and CartoDB to display georeferenced maps and redlining data from in the late 30's - with a focus on redlining and abrasive, unfiltered racist language that has directly influenced the formation of neighborhoods today.

  • We also have a very cool spatial analysis presentation from Kevin that will show how he used PostGIS, QGIS and Geopy to calculate the most remote locations in Oregon and Washington, along the lines of what Project Remote [2] has been doing for the whole lower 48. Kevin's project also used Leaflet, MapboxGL JS and Turf for visualization.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Sep 18, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

State of the Map US 2019 just concluded last week, so we will cover some of those highlights, as well as some from FOSS4G 2019. Please also feel free to bring your summer projects and tell us how they went.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Oct 23, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month our special guest is Jackson Voelkel, a Health Data Analyst on Kaiser Permanente’s GIS Team as well as an Adjunct Professor of Geography at Portland State University. He focuses on developing infrastructure for and performing advanced spatial analytics across healthcare, environment, urban planning, utilities, and econometrics. Jack will be joining us to talk about all this PostGIS (and Postgres), so come ready with all your favorite spatial database questions.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jul 16, 2009
PDXPUG - PostGIS and the Census Data
Free Geek

Webb Sprague will be speaking about PostGIS and the Census Data at the next PDXPUG meeting at FreeGeek (at 7:00pm - 1731 SE 10th Avenue, Portland, OR).

Looking forward to seeing everyone there....and of course, drinks at the Lucky Lab ) at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd. afterwards.

More details from Webb:

If anyone is wondering about specifics, I will describe how I recently created a "crosswalk" table that correlates census tracts in 1980 with census tracts in 2000 in the Portland region (well, Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties), so that we could see poverty trends over the last 25 years.

I used PostGIS, Census naming conventions ("FIPS codes"), and lots of outer joins. So if you like that sort of thing, I would love to hear your comments tomorrow!

Sep 16, 2010
All about PostGIS (at Portland PostgreSQL Users Group)
Free Geek

Location-based services are all the rage these days, and almost everyone has a latitude and longitude or two stashed away in a numeric column somewhere. But, there is so much more to it than just a point. Once relegated to government and academia, geographic information systems are becoming increasingly visible. With the PostGIS extension, PostgreSQL is a first-class geodatabase and an incredible platform for working with spatial data, but what is PostGIS and why would one use it? And beyond PostGIS there are a dizzying array of tools to load, visualize and interact with the wonderful geospatial information in your database. This talk will cover GIS and PostGIS basics and provide an introduction to geodatabases and spatial queries.


Edwin Knuth spent quite some time as a sysadmin and web developer before going back to school to study Environmental Science at the University of Alaska Southeast. He quickly became fascinated with Geographic Information Systems and realized that GIS was just a really neat database application. In Alaska, Edwin worked on several unique projects, including building bat detectors and using PostGIS to manage a wireless sensor network on the Juneau Icefield. He has lived in Portland for the past year and loves it very much.

Then a trip to the Lucky Lab after.

Oct 20, 2011
PDXPUG: Upgrading PostGIS

When: 7-9pm Thu Oct 20, 2011 Where: Iovation Who: Brent Dombrowski What: Upgrading PostGIS from 8.something to 9.0

See PDXPUG blog (linked) for details.

Aug 15, 2019
PDXPUG August Meetup: PostGIS
PSU Business Accelerator

Jackson will discuss the basics of GIS, and the current environment in which enterprise spatial analytics are performed. Considering the many pitfalls of this current system, he will discuss how FOSS tools – especially PostgreSQL/PostGIS – are vitally important for modern spatial analytics. In addition to the PostGIS extension, Jackson will talk about network routing using the PgRouting extension and the interface between R and PostgreSQL. This talk will act more as a showcase of GIS and “spatial SQL” within PostgreSQL than it will nitty-gritty database development.

Jackson Voelkel is a Health Data Analyst on Kaiser Permanente’s GIS Team as well as an Adjunct Professor of Geography at Portland State University. He focuses on developing infrastructure for and performing advanced spatial analytics across healthcare, environment, urban planning, utilities, and econometrics. He teaches courses on advanced spatial analytics in R as well as spatial database design with PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

Sep 6, 2014
PostgreSQL Day
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

Saturday, September 6th, is PostgreSQL Day, co-hosted by the Portland Postgres Users Group (PDXPUG) and Portland State University. Attendance is free, but RSVP is required (link below)

Place: Portland State University, Engineering Building, Room EB 102, 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201.

Registration: Space is limited, please RSVP!

RSVP here:

Food: Light snacks & beverages provided. Breakfast and lunch is on your own; food carts are nearby.

Presentations: Organizers are looking for presenters for PostgreSQL Day. Talks should be about 45 minutes in length, and about any of the following topics:

PostgreSQL administration and performance Case studies of interesting uses of PostgreSQL and PostGIS Interesting applications built on PostGIS or PostgreSQL Database and/or geographic application development Database-related DevOps SQL and stored procedure programming New Postgres/PostGIS features and hacking Postgres/PostGIS

Organizers will also be taking lightning talks of 5 minutes each, on similar topics. Email your talk proposal to Mark Wong at markwkm -at-
