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Jan 23, 2020
Product Messaging 101: How to Communicate the Awesomeness of your Tech
Custom House/WeWork

Join messaging strategist, Emma O’Brien, for a session that breaks down the most important elements of effective product messaging.

ABOUT THIS EVENT Do you want to tell a simpler story about your app, platform or other tech product? Are you a technical person who struggles to make your product capabilities easy for people to understand? Do you wish your website told a more compelling story?

Learn how to communicate the awesomeness of your product with new clarity.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN In this talk, you’ll learn the basics of effective product messaging, including: What you need -- and don’t need -- to include in your story. How to make your product’s value clear and compelling. The ultimate shortcut to messaging that resonates with customers. You’ll leave with a clear framework to start building your own product messaging.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? his talk is for founders and marketers of tech (or tech-enabled) products who want to improve their messaging strategy for marketing and sales activities. Especially if your current story feels over-complicated, too technical, or a little “meh.”

WHO'S TEACHING? This workshop will be led by Emma O’Brien, founder of Punchy, a messaging consultancy that helps tech companies sell their value and own their truth. Emma helps founders and product marketers extract the most compelling aspects of their products and articulate them in a clear, concise way that resonates with their audiences. Learn more at

HOW MUCH? Just $10, but free to WeWork members (ask you location reps for the code)

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