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Viewing 0 current events matching “pedalpalooza” by Date.

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Viewing 8 past events matching “pedalpalooza” by Date.

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Jun 17, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo. Hot off the heels of State of the Map US conference, June has an OpenStreetMap theme! come on down to hear about:

Much fun will be had by all. There will be Pizza! As always, BYOB...

Aug 19, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo. There will be pizza! And scintillating geo-conversation!

Come one, come all to Cramer Hall 409, Wednesday Aug 19th. 6 to 8:30pm. Special guest this month is Kate Chapman aka@wonderchook. Kate has lots of interesting things she could talk about. Topics from State of the Map US earlier this year include:

When Data Doesn't Belong in OSM: The Land Tenure Use Case

The OpenStreetMap Foundation and You: The Why, The How and What You Can Do to Get Involved 

Did we say there will be Pizza? There will! And as always, BYOB...

Oct 21, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Once again the 3rd week of the month is upon us, so mark your calendars for PDXOSGeo. With next month's date intersecting with GIS Day activities, and no regularly scheduled meeting in December, this will be the last regular PDXOSGeo meeting of 2015. So that means you should be there - yes? Yes!!

WhereCampPDX is just around the corner (Halloween!), so there should be plenty to talk about. And as always there will be pizza. We have a number of things to talk about:

WhereCampPDX volunteering, sponsorship, etc.
Special guests - we've invited a few!
Bring your lightning talk ideas for the unconference prep

Come one, come all to Cramer Hall 409, Wednesday October 21st. 6 to 8:30pm. Did we say there will be Pizza? There will! And as always, BYOB...

Jan 20, 2016
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Happy New Year! Once again the 3rd week of the month is upon us, so mark your calendars for PDXOSGeo. We're starting the new year off with a bang and a great line-up of topics:

Matthew Lippincott will be talking about OpenAerialMap, Mapknitter, and what a participatory archive of aerial imagery might look like, from the perspective of someone working with community groups on mapping environmental degradation, restoration, and pollution.

Tim Welch will talk fast and scalable geo-search with Elastic Search. Case study - Journalmap, and immersive storytelling with maps - (Mapbox+React+Electron+QGIS)

Come one, come all to Cramer Hall 409, Wednesday January 20th. 6 to 8:30pm. Did we say there will be Pizza? There will! And as always, BYOB...

Apr 20, 2016
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

This month our topic is the the workflow and open-sourced tools used in a project called "LiDAR on the cheap! - Lessons learned from using Structure from Motion to model terrain at Mickey Springs, SE Oregon". In addition to Al's talk, there are plenty of other items to share:

  • Report back from CUGOS spring fling happenings
  • Some local OpenStreetMap activities (Trimet and elsewhere)
  • State of the Map Seattle, submission deadlines looming.
  • Summer schedules, etc.

As always there will be Pizza, and feel free to BYOB.

May 18, 2016
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

This month our topic is led by Rafa Gutierrez who'll chat with us about Mapbox goodness like their newly redesigned base maps, vector awesomeness, Turf.js, and the end of CartoCSS. . In addition to Rafa's talk, there are plenty of other items to share:

  • Report back from FOSS4GNA
  • Local OpenStreetMap activities (Trimet and elsewhere)
  • Open Source Bridge participation
  • Pedalpalooza planning

As always there will be Pizza! and feel free to BYOB.

Jun 15, 2016
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

This month our topic is led by Our invited guest will be Anatoly Geyfman who'll be talking to us about working with PostGIS and rendering from it with D3.js. This meet up we will cover setting up PostGIS, setting up a vector tile API, serving statistical data, and rendering it with D3.

In addition to Anatoly's talk, there are plenty of other items to share:

  • Report back from FOSS4GNA
  • Local OpenStreetMap activities (Trimet and elsewhere)
  • Open Source Bridge participation
  • Pedalpalooza planning

As always there will be Pizza! and feel free to BYOB.

Jul 11, 2022
Biking & bits - a ride towards the shift website
Sewallcrest Park

The shift website ( is entirely volunteer operated! Come out for a 5 mile social bike ride with the Shift Calendar Crew, stay for a beer at a watering hole near the start point, and learn about our tech stack and how you can contribute & help us connect Portland area bike funthusiasts on the web and beyond. The ride will end within a couple miles of the start point.

Learn more:
