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Jul 29, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. Let's get together and map :) (We meet in the back room)

In June, we worked on creating a basic static map of floods with custom icons showing the size of the floods (a proportional symbol flood map). We went through a demo for using a slider to add amimation to a map... using the flood data it would allow users to see where and when the floods appeared.

In July, I'll bring a completed example of a proportional symbol animated slider flood map that we will review. In addition, we will add one or two other techniques for developing spatio-temporal web visualizations (in leaflet and open layers). Then we will begin using Postgresql/postgis to setup spatial databases, populate them and perform spatial analysis operations.One of our long term goals will be to eventually use data from a spatial database in dynamic spatio-temporal visualizations.

In July, bring your computer. If you have time prior to the meeting, load postgresql/postgis version 9.1 or later onto your computer.

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. 97203
