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Jan 29, 2013
OCCA: CES 2013 / New Technology
Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center

Oregon Computer Consultants Association: CES 2013 / New Technology

OCCA member George Shubin will review the new technology presented at the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The show is the world's largest convention of suppliers of all types of electronics products for home and business. George will be reporting on a wide variety of electronic goodies.

So, join us and let's kick off the new year with a fun and informative meeting--having a look at some cool tools and toys that are scheduled to come our way soon.

Presented by George Shubin is an custom software developer and is the owner of dX Software Systems. He has been working with computers since 1968. Starting as a lowly computer operator at a mainframe installation, sorting punched cards and managing punched paper tape libraries, George has worked as programmer, IT Department manager, Sales manager, and computer consultant, and has designed and developed a wide variety of applications for many types of businesses.

In addition to being a long-time member of the OCCA, George is a current Board Member and former president of the OCCA.

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