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Jan 16, 2020
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) and Portland UX Writers - Accessible Microcopy

There’s a lot that goes into writing good microcopy for accessibility: Identifying what needs it, writing for something spoken aloud versus read silently, and finding a champion to help you develop it.

Join Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX, for a co-meetup with Portland UX Writers ( Kate Knappett and Josh Hetrick will share guidelines and tips and try them out in a group activity. Together, we’ll find solutions to make your writing more accessible and help you become an accessibility champion on your team.


  • 6:00-6:15 Networking, topic post-its, job opportunities, food, and drinks
  • 6:15-6:30 Presentation
  • 6:30-7:00 Panel Q&A and group activity
  • 7:00-7:30 Wrap-up

Food and drinks provided by Cvent, our host for the event. Attendance is capped and IDs required.

Venue accessibility and accommodation requests:

Please review the accessibility information of the venue and let us know if you have questions! If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.
