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Jun 10, 2017
TwitchPDX - Gaming at Quarterworld!

We had a blast last time we met up at Quarterworld, so we figured we'd do it again! It's a great arcade with good seating to hang out and play some handhelds or card games when you're cooling down from pinball and arcade cabinets. :)

Feel free to bring your favorite board/card game, or a 3DS/Playstation Vita to play with others! We'll eat some food, get to know each other, and have a good time. Admission to Quarterworld is $1 at that time, so make sure you're prepared to pay that when you arrive. 

Looking forward to seeing you! Get ready for some great times.

Don't forget; if you like these Meetups, you can help support the group and keep them free for everyone by chipping in!
