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Viewing 1 past event matching “hollywood” by Event Name.
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Jul 20, 2013
Hackers in HeckleVision – Hollywood Theater (Portland) Finally, your chance to see Hackers on the big screen, as it was meant to be seen! Enjoy pizza + beer as you watch Jonny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie chop up the websphere in this modern cult classic. Who knew playing wipeout could be so much fun! Here's the copy from the website: Published on July 1st, 2013 July 20th at 7pm I $8 Boot up or shut up! Special guests Shane Torres (Portland’s Funniest Person 2013), Sean Jordan and Amy Miller will hang out to crack jokes via text with you and a few hundred of your best friends! The 1995 film “Hackers” introduced audiences to a fantastical view of cyber crimes, phone phreaking and general tech-tomfoolery. In this cult classic techno-thriller, Jonny Lee Miller, Angelina Jolie and Matthew Lillard take on the villainous exploits of Fisher Stevens to save hackers and phreakers from being framed for environmental terrorism and financial fraud. Can they save the world with a P6 chip and a payphone? This special screening is presented in HECKLEVISION: Through the magic of MuVChat technology, your jokes, heckles and commentary are encouraged – in TEXT form! Tap out your wittiest wisecracks with your phone and they’ll appear instantly on screen! |