Viewing 0 current events matching “functional” by Event Name.
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Viewing 34 past events matching “functional” by Event Name.
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Apr 24, 2012
*CANCELLED* PDX Erlang *CANCELLED* – Collective Agency Downtown CANCELLED due to geolocation |
Jul 25, 2013
clojerks – Simple Dan Herrera will be discussing the use of Trident and Kafka to implement realtime distributed streaming computations. Please see his recent blog post for more information: Dan is a Data Engineer at Simple where he builds scalable distributed data processing platforms. If we have any energy left, let's have a group discussion about core.async at the end of the meetup. |
Mar 4, 2015
Elixir Games PDX – CrowdCompass "Let's get functional... functional." -Olambdia Newton-John We'll be kicking off the first in a series of Elixir Games meetups. The "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drink will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning teams. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. |
Apr 1, 2015
Elixir Games PDX – CrowdCompass "And the winner for Best Actor is..." -Pid Spawnington Well, we managed to kick things off with solid attendance, some competition that came down to the wire, and valuable lessons learned all around. Let's see if we can build some momentum as we take a dip into how Elixir handles concurrency and how we might solve problems with those tools and patterns. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drink will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning teams. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. If you'd like to take a look at the previous session's exercise feel free to check it out here: , some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Special thanks to Daniel Hedlund and CrowdCompass, ‘The leading mobile app provider for conferences and meetings’, for hosting us. |
Jun 3, 2015
Elixir Games PDX – Puppet Until now we haven't focused much at all on a huge part of what makes Elixir great... seamless access to Erlang OTP. OTP, or Open Telecom Platform, is a set of frameworks and tools that make it relatively easy to build robust, fault-tolerant, and scalable applications. In this Elixir Games we're going to focus specifically on the Supervisor. Well-defined supervision strategies are the bedrock of all exceptional Elixir software (Erlang and LFE too). For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friends Russell Mull, Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Jul 1, 2015
Elixir Games PDX – Puppet Last time we looked at Supervisor hierarchies, and unintentionally on my part almost everyone picked up the GenServer behavior as a component of their solution. Damnable misleading documentation! However that prompted a further conversation about GenServers and other components of OTP (the Open Telecom Platform). In the spirit of learning and disambiguating things we'll take a deeper look at some of these architectural patterns in Elixir and how they can help us better organize our projects and design better systems. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friends Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Oct 28, 2015
Elixir Games PDX – Puppet We've struggled a bit for the last couple months to fully tackle supervision and GenServer patterns, but we're going to stick with it until we emerge victorious, or until we reach our retry limit and permanently timeout. So, this month we'll be at it again. In fact we'll use the same premise as last month. Take a look here if you want a refresher if you were with us last month, or to get up to speed if you weren't able to make it. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friends Jeff Weiss, Russell Mull and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
May 6, 2015
Elixir Games PDX - "JVMergy independence is a matter of national security" – Puppet Can you build a data processing pipeline that might one day help save humanity? For this next meetup we'll be looking at one of Elixir's features that sets it distinctly apart from its older Erlang sibling.... the Pipeline Operator. In the previous two Elixir Games PDX meetups we've looked at how to solve some simple problems in a functional programming style, and we've also taken a look at Elixir's concurrency and parallelism paradigm. We'll be partially combining some of those principles and practices to mine some critical data. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Special thanks to my friends Russell Mull, Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Jan 27, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Distributed Food Fight. – Puppet We'll try to keep our table manners civil, but food encoded in Erlang External Term Format is going to sail through the air at nearly the speed of light. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friends Jeff Weiss, Russell Mull and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Nov 25, 2015
Elixir Games PDX - Let us Gather and Give Thanks for dist_erl. – Puppet Considering it's the day before Thanksgiving I'm not expecting a huge turnout, but despite that I want to make sure we do something useful. In the spirit of people distributing themselves all over the place for the holidays I thought it would be appropriate to dig into the core distribution functionality in Elixir provided on the back of Distributed Erlang. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friends Jeff Weiss, Russell Mull and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Nov 9, 2016
Elm-lang Hack Night – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Hang out and work on projects with other Elm developers. Open to all skill levels. |
Jul 28, 2016
ElmLang: Elm Intro and Experiences – Crowd Compass We'll start off with an beginners intro to Elm in the first half of the meeting and move on to experience reports in the second half. If you'd like to lead the intro discussion or if you'd like to share your experiences (lighting talk, etc) please let me know. We really need people to step up and share what they know. Thanks for your support as we get the group going on a regular basis. |
Feb 28, 2012
PDX Erlang – Collective Agency Downtown First ever meeting for the PDX Erlang user group. We will cover some basic getting-started stuff, then dive in to what I am tentatively calling ErlangGames. This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun. |
May 22, 2012
PDX Erlang – Collective Agency Downtown This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun. Learn you some Erlang. |
Oct 30, 2012
PDX Erlang – Collective Agency Downtown This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun. |
Aug 19, 2010
PDXScala – Jive Software Come join fellow Scala hackers and enthusiasts. The guest speaker this time will be Peat Bakke, who will be speaking about some of his experiences building a service with Scala. Or in his words: Scala, Circumflex, and MongoDB Or, why writing everything from scratch is a great way to learn a language, but a terrible way to be productive. This is about an ongoing Scala project -- a part of the Capacity product planning and resource management system. We'll be looking at a few parts of the system, a homebrew ORM for MongoDB, and the guts behind the scenes that handles the calculations, and the Circumflex-based JSON web service. The goal of building these from scratch was to learn, and it continues to be an experiment, so I'm looking forward to everyone's feedback on how to make it better! |
Apr 10, 2013
PDXScala – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month we will be continuing with our new format with the first hour of the meeting (now starting at 6PM) devoted to newcomers to Scala. If you have questions about getting started with Scala, how to set up a project, or advice on libraries, idioms or whatever, come by and join in. In addition, we have a couple very interesting talks lined up for those of you who want to dive a bit deeper:
We'll have pizza available at 6, so if you're planning to join us, come early if you're hungry! |
Sep 5, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Website |
May 8, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Hey folks, it's that time again. We'll have some great beginner friend material courtesy of Rob Norris along with time for general questions and answers for any one who's just getting started with Scala and wants to know how more experienced Scala developers might do things. In addition, Kevin Scaldeferri will be giving a bit of a preview of the material for the talk he'll be giving at Lambdajam ( later this summer, covering "using the cake pattern to bridge the divide between unit testing and functional testing." We'll have pizza and we welcome attendees whether you're deep in the Scala world or just passing by and wanting to see what all this functional programming in the OO world is about. |
Jun 12, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters We'll have Tyler Benson from New Relic giving a talk about the recently released support for Play 2. Thomas will also give a bit of a walk through on setting up a new project with SBT oriented for newcomers. As we've been doing for a couple months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. |
Aug 14, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned old-timer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month, we're actually planning something a little bit different form even our new format. I (Thomas Lockney) will be giving a quick introduction to Scalatron (, which is a fun way to learn and hone Scala skills in a group environment. The idea is that you build Scala-based "bots" that compete against each other in a common environment. Depending on how the group feels, we can potentially just spend the evening focused on this. But we'll also have time, if people are interested, to explore other topics, as well. We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Sep 11, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. This is a great opportunity to share Scala knowledge and meet other practitioners and enthusiasts. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group. As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Oct 9, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! Proposed subjects so far for tonight:
As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Nov 13, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Dec 11, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned old-timer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Jan 8, 2014
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you are a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We will have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you are interested in hearing more about or something you would like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you would like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month, Susan Potter will be joining us to give a couple of motivating examples of Scalaz usage showing how thinking more functionally can yield less complex code. More details on other talks and possible discussion topics will be coming shortly. If you have a topic you would like to discuss or present on, let us know on the mailing list (!forum/pdxscala) or ping @tlockney on Twitter! Finally, as usual, the first hour of this meeting will be oriented towards people who are relatively new to Scala. If you have questions you would like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we will be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we will have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics. Pizza will be here at 6, so come early if you are hungry. We look forward to seeing you all there! |
Feb 12, 2014
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month we’re stoked to have Rob Norris present on zippers, a technique for navigating (and updating) data structures. Sure to be rad and/or mind-blowing, as per usual. As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry. We look forward to see you all there! |
Feb 18, 2014
Portland Erlang and Elixir Meetup! – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Hello Portland! Let's talk Erlang, Elixir, OTP, scalability, uptime, web apps, beer and all things computer industry. Got something to share? Looking to learn? Drop in and join us! |
Jan 20, 2009
Portland Java User Group - Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM – Oracle (Downtown Campus) This month's topic: Clojure: Functional Programming for the JVM (Howard Lewis Ship) |
Mar 9, 2017
Portland Perl Mongers - Funk: A Library for Functional Programming – Collective Agency Downtown Lyle Kopnicky will present a work in progress: Funk, a library for functional programming. This currently includes a datatype for linked lists, option types, and generic functions for displaying and equality testing that work on both the new types and Perl data structures. Type constraints can also be imposed on the lists. He is soliciting feedback as to the architecture and functionality of the library. We may find a pub or suitable source of refreshments after. |
Jul 10, 2014
Portland Perl Mongers - Highly Functional Programming – Free Geek Highly Functional ProgrammingSpeaker: Eric WilhelmFunctional programming is very pure and elegant when nothing can change, and the computer can reason about your code for you -- in theory. Reality is messier, but Perl and other high-level languages support pure functions as a subset of the procedural and OO paradigms, so why don't we use them more? Functional techniques are good problem solving tools, useful for event-driven programs, and can be mixed into traditional OO and procedural codebases for better code reuse and testability. In this talk, we'll look at some benefits of purely functional programming from a pragmatic and procedural viewpoint. There will be absolutely no mention of monads because we will just ride our lambdas through the mud and get it done. We'll see how good programming practices tend to suggest stateless and functional approaches. We'll examine techniques for refactoring which separate functions from state changes and allow you to better test and reason about your code. Finally, we'll look at language interpreters and discuss how technology might be able to help get even more benefits out of highly functional programming approaches. This is a preview of an upcoming OSCON talk. As always, meet us at the Lucky Lab for some beer and good company following the meeting. |
Jul 12, 2012
Portland Perl Mongers – Programming in the Future + Intro to Dist::Zilla – Free Geek speakers: Eric Wilhelm + Jonathan "Duke" Leto (Rumored cameo / lightning talk by Florian "rafl" Ragwitz.) Programming in the Future - a preview of the upcoming OSCON presentation covering the last and next 25 years of programming technology using Perl as our time machine. We'll look at the evolution of tools, syntax, modules, and standard practices, the gooey innards, and some "hot new things" which are still being discovered again. Introduction to Dist::Zilla for Newbies - eliminates your excuses for not learning more about Dist::Zilla and using it on a regular basis. By the end of this talk, you will know how and why to use dzil as your favorite Perl package developer tool, and you might even need to publish more code on the CPAN just to have an excuse to use it more. As usual, the meeting will be followed by social hour at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub. |
May 27, 2011
PSU CS Colloquium: Scrap Your Zippers: A Generic Zipper for Heterogeneous Types – Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09 Scrap Your Zippers: A Generic Zipper for Heterogeneous Types Michael Adams, Indiana University AbstractThe zipper type provides the ability to efficiently edit tree-shaped data in a purely functional setting by providing constant time edits at a focal point in an immutable structure. It is used in a number of applications and is widely applicable for manipulating tree-shaped data structures. The traditional zipper suffers from two major limitations, however. First, it operates only on homogeneous types. That is to say, every node the zipper visits must have the same type. In practice, many tree-shaped types do not satisfy this condition, and thus cannot be handled by the traditional zipper. Second, the traditional zipper involves a significant amount of boilerplate code. A custom implementation must be written for each type the zipper traverses. This is error prone and must be updated whenever the type being traversed changes. The generic zipper presented in this talk overcomes these limitations. It operates over any type and requires no boilerplate code to be written by the user. The only restriction is that the types traversed must be instances of the Data class from the Scrap your Boilerplate framework. BiographyMichael D. Adams will be completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Indiana University this summer. He has a B.S. in Computer Science, a B.S in Computer Engineering and a Minor in Mathematics from the University of Kansas. His research interests are the implementation and construction of programming languages, compilers and software analysis tools that help programmers more easily implement, reason about, prove correct and improve the performance of their programs. This includes areas such as type systems, static analysis, control-flow analysis, compilers and optimization. In spring 2007, he worked on the X10 language for an internship at IBM Research. In summer 2007, he worked on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler at Microsoft Research. In 2008-2010 he worked for Cadence Research on the Chez Scheme compiler. He is an avid swing dancer and cyclist. |
Feb 26, 2014
Technical Professionals Networking Event - Hosted by Jibe Consulting – Paragon Restaurant and Bar This event is intended for:
During the event, you will have the opportunity to meet and speak with our Founders, Practice Directors, Consultants, and our HR/Recruiting team. We will share information about our project engagements and will answer any questions related to our industry and organization. Come enjoy an evening of networking, beverages and appetizers with our Jibe Team! For more information on our company and to view our current openings, please visit Should you have additional questions, please feel free to email our recruiting team at [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you! |