Viewing 0 current events matching “floss” by Location.
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Viewing 6 past events matching “floss” by Location.
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Jan 9, 2013
OWASP - How to (FLOSS)Hack – Collective Agency Downtown Join us for a How to (FLOSS)Hack tutorial, which will introduce several common classes of web application vulnerabilities such as XSS, SQL injection, and XML External Entities flaws. The goal of the session is to bring novice FLOSSHack participants up to speed on how to identify new vulnerabilities that are likely to appear in the target software for this week's FLOSSHack. FLOSSHack is an experimental workshop project designed to bring together those who want to learn more about "hacking" (secure programming and application penetration testing) with those who are in need of low cost or pro bono security auditing. NOTE: For best results, please bring a laptop to participate in the hands-on exercises. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list: Meetings are free and open to the public. |
Sep 17, 2011
Software Freedom Day 2011 – Everywhere Today's the day to celebrate that you are viewing Calagator thanks to countless Free Software/Open Source Software tools that protect your software freedom. Celebrate in any way you see fit from a moment of reflection over a cup of coffee to making a donation to a foundation that works to guarantee your software freedom like the Software Freedom Law Center or Free Geek. There are dozens out there that need your help. Please update this post to include group activities as they're organized! Happy Software Freedom Day! |
Sep 20, 2011
PLUG Advanced Topics: Roundtable: Web serving in the post-LAMP era – Free Geek This month's meeting will be a roundtable discussion about modern web serving. The era gave way to LAMP and we're now onto the next generation:
How have these factors changed the way you serve web content? Are the fundamental problems being solved and making your job easier? Please share your experiences at this roundtable and bring your questions. When: Tuesday, September 20th, 7PM Where: Free Geek: 1731 SE 10th Avenue, not far from the Lucky Lab Food and Drink: Bring your own, consider Lucky Lab take-out |
Jul 1, 2012
OWASP FLOSSHack - Ushahidi – Free Geek FLOSSHack is an experimental workshop project designed to bring together those who want to learn more about "hacking" (secure programming and application penetration testing) with those who are in need of low cost or pro bono security auditing. This first ever FLOSSHack event will be focused on the Ushahidi platform. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list: Meetings are free and open to the public. |
Sep 18, 2012
PLUG AT: Embedded GNU/Linux and GPL compliance – Free Geek Portland Linux/Unix Group Advanced Topics: Embedded GNU/Linux and GPL compliance. How not to make a mess of things by Beth Flanagan of Intel As GNU/Linux becomes more and more common in the consumer device market, the number of GPL violations found by various compliance organizations have increased dramatically. We'll discuss how violations occur, what to do if you find yourself in violation and how the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core helps you to avoid a costly GPL violation action. Beth 'pidge' Flanagan is the maintainer of the licensing infrastructure for the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core, maintainer of the yocto-autobuilder and build and release engineer for the Yocto Project. She has spoken on a wide range of topics over the years, from GPL compliance in the embedded world to open source firearms. She works full time on the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded-Core for Intel's Open Source Technologies Center. Many will head to the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne after the meeting. |
Jan 13, 2013
OWASP - FLOSSHack Returns – Free Geek FLOSSHack is an experimental workshop project designed to bring together those who want to learn more about "hacking" (secure programming and application penetration testing) with those who are in need of low cost or pro bono security auditing. The target software for this FLOSSHack event is OpenMRS. For more info, see the event page. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list: Meetings are free and open to the public. |