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Viewing 1 past event matching “entrerpreneurs” by Date.

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Feb 19, 2011
TiE Oregon Founders Seeking Co-Founders
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

This is a joint TiE Oregon - OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)event. If you have an idea for a company and you're looking for others to join your team, this is the event for you. You have the opportunity to make a 1-minute pitch presenting your idea and the skill-sets you are looking for in a team member. Attend this workshop if you are looking to add people to your team, or even if you simply want to network with other entrepreneurs and listen to pitches of new ideas.

If you plan to attend and have an idea for a pitch, please email us a tag line describing your idea so organizers can keep an account of the pitches that will be made.

Cost: Suggested $5 contribution to cover pizza and beverage
