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Viewing 3 past events matching “employees” by Date.

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Aug 17, 2016
Innovation And Its Impact In Creating A New World Of Healthcare

Join us remotely early afternoon on Wednesday, August 17th for our second of three webinar series geared to help ease the busy Summer season of benefits decisions. Our lunchtime presentation and discussion will provide HR professionals with a well-rounded panel of speakers sharing innovations that are leading a new world of customized healthcare.

Part two of the series will focus on the role innovation still largely plays in the sometimes more traditional market of healthcare. As the health needs of employees evolve, there is a new baseline expectation of employees to have quick and personalized solutions at their fingertips.

Questions to be answered during this session:

-How do I continue to increase custom value to individual employees across an entire company? -What options are there for increasing employee engagement across multiple channels? -What are different ways that employers are increasing digital access to wellness without compromising privacy?

Speakers and moderator to be announced soon!

Registration is here:

Sep 21, 2016
Understanding Your Health Plan Reporting Requirements

Please join us on September 21 for the final webinar in our series designed to help HR professionals make benefits decisions and get ready for open enrollment season. This lunchtime presentation and discussion will focus on some of the key regulatory changes and reporting requirements that generate the most questions and take the most time to untangle.

The webinar will cover the following topics:

-What do I need to know about 1094/1095 reporting? -What is the status of the PACE Act and the reclassification of small groups? -Is the Cadillac Tax gone for good? -How will all of the mergers and other market disruptions affect me?

Did you miss our first two sessions on HR Benchmarking & Trends and Innovation and Its Impact in Creating a New World of Healthcare? Recordings of these webinars are available to TAO members for free! Message TAO for a copy of the presentations and recordings.

Attendance of all 3 webinars is not required, so we encourage all HR professionals to join us on September 21st!

Thank you to our sponsors! Regence -

Apr 4, 2019
Startup Skills Clinic: Create an onboarding plan now
CENTRL East Side Location

Register for the Skills Clinic and drop in anytime between 11am-12:30pm. We'll support you by helping you develop your very own plan for a specific new hire's onboarding process. You might get lucky and get a 1:1 session, but you may also share time with another person. It's all good, there's enough onboarding to go around! Come hammer out that onboarding plan and check something off your list.
