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Viewing 0 current events matching “digital art” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “digital art” by Date.

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Mar 21, 2014
Bridging the Digital and Physical Divide
PCC Cascade Campus

Hear Portland’s own Second Story Studio, SapientNitro Matt Arnold and David Waingarten present their approach to creating narrative spaces and interactive digital art.

Feb 5, 2022
Arts & Crafts Show'N'Tell

Looking for some inspiration to get creative? How about joining others for a Show'N'Tell to find some creative ideas?

Families and children are also welcome. I'll start by sharing some projects I've created on Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, and my kids are also excited to share their creations. Anyone else is welcome to share their artwork as well.

If you feel up to it, you're welcome to bring your art supplies, sewing kits, pottery equipment, cameras, sketchpads, or even digital to share with the group.

Let's get inspired and create together!

We'll be using the Jitsi app instead of Zoom. You can join on desktop or mobile by clicking this meeting link

If you would like to stay connected for future sessions, you can connect on our social media, Discord, or Mailing List.

Get Inspired! Knowledge Mavens
