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Sep 14, 2011
Council Consideration Portland’s Broadband Strategic Plan: Connecting to our Future
City Hall

Dear Broadband Enthusiast,

Our big day is coming up. Portland City Council will consider adoption of Connecting to our Future: Portland's Broadband Strategic Plan on September 14 @ 2:00 pm. The Plan provides a long-term strategic vision for the role of Broadband infrastructure, devices and services in Portland’s future economy, livability and sustainability.

If you are interested in testifying there will be a sign up sheet outside Council Chambers just prior to the session. Presenters are asked to prepare remarks of 3 minutes or less. Please confirm your attendance and whether you plan to testify by responding to this email. If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks!

Connecting to our Future: Portland's Broadband Strategic Plan September 14 @ 2:00 pm Portland City Hall – Council Chambers 1221 SW 4th Avenue

Mary Beth Henry Office of Cable Communications and Franchise Management ( Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission ( Immediate Past President, NATOA ( 1120 SW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204

503 823 5414 landline 503 449 7281 mobile 503 823 5370 fax @ 2:00 pm Council Chambers A G E N D A Introduction Commissioner Saltzman
Overview Brendan Finn
Plan Elements Mary Beth Henry

Representatives of Workgroups: Digital Inclusion Kayse Jama, Executive Director, Center for Intercultural Organizing

Development     Skip Newberry, Mayor’s Office

Education & Miles Ellenby, Director of Pediatric Telemedicine, OHSU

Health    Leslie Riester, CIO, Portland Community College 

Industry Representatives: Mark Farrar, Comcast Chris Denzin, CenturyLink Tom Casey, Integra Telecom Adam Grzybicki, AT&T Wireless Public Testimony Council Q & A
