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Jun 4, 2009
Bowl for Kid's Sake Geek Bowl
Big Al's in Vancouver

Help Big Brothers Big Sisters get the ball rolling with their annual fun-raiser - the Regence 2009 Bowl for Kids' Sake. You and your team will celebrate your fundraising success at a free bowling party (food & prizes, too) on April 29th from 6-8 P.M. at Big Al's, 16615 SE 18th Ave, Vancouver. This year’s goal is to raise $310,000 to support matching even more kids in our community with a Big Brother or Big Sister.
It's easy and fun. Start today; reserve your lane. Go to, click on Bowl for Kids’ Sake and use our on-line fundraising tool to reach out to everyone you know. Teams are forming now! So use your spare time to do something that's right up your alley - Bowl for Kids' Sake. Find out more at This will be a great opportunity to raise money to support Portland kids and meet other supporters who work in the tech industry.

Contact Jacob Fain, at [email protected] or 503.249.4859, for more information.
