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Viewing 2 past events matching “bash” by Location.

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Mar 10, 2016
[] Bork: A Bash DSL for config management w/ Matthew Lyon
Analog Cafe

This is state-of-the-art DevOoops kiddos. Mattly will give us a guided tour of Bork, his Bash DSL that obviates Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and all the other things.


Really, if you can't do it in Bash, should you even be doing it?

Meeting starts at 6pm, Talk starts at 6:30pm.

Troy Howard will present Module of the Month: markdown, a Bash library for converting markdown.

We'll also have 5 minute lightning talks after the main talk! Bring your notes and come present!

Feb 4, 2016 - Intro to (Bash package manager) w/ Troy Howard
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Howdy Shell Hackers of Portland! This is our first meetup for this new group.

We'll have a short talk about, which is a sweet Bash package manager/repository. The rest of the time will be good old scripty hacking fun with your slightly loony fellow ${SHELL} hackers.

Bpkg Repo:

Bpkg Site:
