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Viewing 14 past events matching “angular” by Location.

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Mar 27, 2017
OWASP/AngularJS combined: Boosting the Security of Your Angular Application
Cambia Health Solutions

This month PDX OWASP is joining forces with the local Angular JS meetup to feature:
Philippe De Ryck, PhD
Web Security Expert @ imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven


Angular 2 is hot, and there is a huge amount of information available on building applications, improving performance, and various other topics. But do you know how to make your Angular 2 applications secure? What kind of security features does Angular 2 offer you, and which additional steps can you take to really boost the security of your applications?

In this session, we cover one of the biggest threats in modern web applications: untrusted JavaScript code. You will learn how Angular protects you against XSS, and why you shouldn't bypass this protection. We will also dive into new security mechanisms, such as Content Security Policy. Through a few examples, I will show you how you can use these mechanisms to enhance the security in your client-side context.


Philippe De Ryck is a professional speaker and trainer on software security and web security. Since he obtained his PhD at the imec-DistriNet research group (KU Leuven, Belgium), he has been running the group's Web Security Training program, which ensures a sustainable knowledge transfer of the group’s security expertise towards practitioners.

You can find more about Philippe on

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a 501c3 not-for-profit worldwide charitable organization focused on improving the security of application software. To sign up for future meeting notes and to discuss security topics with local gurus, sign up on the OWASP Portland mailing list:

Meetings are free and open to the public.

Mar 5, 2015
ng-conf Extended PDX
through CSG Pro

CSG Pro will be live streaming the ng-conf from our office in NW Portland March 5th and 6th.

Seating is limited so get your ticket early. Ticket prices are $20 and include both days, early am coffee, lunches and a t-shirt.

ng-conf Extended PDX
through CSG Pro

The biggest Angular conference in the world, ng-conf is taking place in two weeks in Salt Lake City. This year, they're allowing remote locations to live stream and we're opening our office in the Pearl for the full two day event. If you have members of your group that would be interested in attending, tickets are $20 and include full day access both Thursday and Friday, coffee in the am, lunches and a custom conference t-shirt.

Here is the link to our event sign up page:


Alexis Milbourn / Marketing Coordinator

CSG Pro } Serving our clients since 1993 734 NW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 / {503} 445-6306 /

Mar 26, 2014
Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
Janrain Headquarters

The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.

We have three talks scheduled for this meeting:

  • A demo of WebRTC, presented by Ken Stowell
  • Escaping callback hell with generators, presented by Jacob Rothstein
  • Mob Programming: what works, what doesn't, presented by Cameron Knight

Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at

If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett ([email protected]).

Apr 10, 2019
Portland OWASP - OWASP Top Ten For Javascript Developers with Lewis Ardern
New Relic

OWASP Top 10 for JavaScript Developers

The OWASP Top 10 is a powerful awareness document for web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

With the release of the OWASP TOP 10 2017 we saw new issues rise as contenders of most common issues in the web landscape. Much of the OWASP documentation displays issues, and remediation advice/code relating to Java, C++, and C#; however not much relating to JavaScript. JavaScript has drastically changed over the last few years with the release of Angular, React, and Vue, alongside the popular use of NodeJS and its libraries/frameworks. This talk will introduce you to the OWASP Top 10 explaining JavaScript client and server-side vulnerabilities.

Lewis Ardern is a Senior Security Consultant at Synopsys. His primary areas of expertise are in web security and security engineering. Lewis enjoys creating and delivering security training to various types of organizations and institutes in topics such as web and JavaScript security. He is also the founder of the Leeds Ethical Hacking Society and has helped develop projects such as bXSS ( and SecGen (

Nov 3, 2021
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

The CascadiaJS conference is taking place on Nov 3 & 4. There are two ways to attend:

  1. Online
  2. At the in-person hybrid event here in PDX!

Some details about the in-person event: - Must be vaccinated at least two weeks prior to conference. - Watch Party at the OMSI. - Catering (coffee, snacks and lunch) - Opening and Closing after parties (7pm+ PT)

The closing party with be at Voicebox SE. We have the entire place to ourselves, so come and relax in a safe space and have fun!

Oct 25, 2016
The Cleaners

$10 ticket, pay on arrival or ahead of time at the website.

6:00pm Arrive and nom on tasty donuts!

Jeff Lombard @JeffLombardJr Working Hard to be Lazy

7:15 Jeena Lee & Malisa Smith @theJeenaLee & @malisas7 Team JaM in Systems Wonderland

7:30 Intermission!

7:45 Caterina Paun @caterinasworld FramerJS

Meet people and eat more donuts!

Apr 18, 2017
The Cleaners

RSVP Here:

A fun night of code and donuts!

This month’s event will be on Tuesday, February 28th at 6pm at The Cleaners at The Ace Hotel

Tickets are $10 (includes a donut), and leftover proceeds go to a local non-profit.

This month we are raising money for Portland’s Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization!

Jan 14, 2014
First Ever Ember PDX Meetup!
Tilde Inc

Members of the Ember Core Team have recently moved to Portland, and we're really excited to get a local chapter of the Ember Meetup spun up and flourishing! We'll be meeting at the Tilde offices and mimicking the events we've been putting on San Francisco for years.

The basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.

We'll be announcing the talks for this meetup shortly and opening registration on December 30th, but for now, save the date! We've got plenty of room, but RSVPs via Meetup ARE required.

Apr 15, 2014
Portland Ember Meetup
Tilde Inc

And we're back! Posting this mostly as a save-the-date, but we're already working on the next PDX Ember Meetup :) RSVPs will go out ~2 weeks before the event.

The basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.

If you or someone you know would like to take a stab at presenting (either a full talk slot, or even a short lightning talk), please get in touch. We'd love to have you!

Similarly, if you or your company would be up for sponsoring, we can use all the help we can get (especially if we want to keep up the good-food trend!). Please reach out to discuss.

Jun 17, 2014
Portland Ember Meetup
Tilde Inc

Same basic formula: good people, good food, good talks. We'll generally have two talks, usually at different skill levels, some break and networking time, and other topically relevant things as they come up.

Could you be our next speaker? Please reach out! Events at Tilde dot io.

If you or your company would be up for sponsoring, we can use all the help we can get (especially if we want to keep up the good-food trend!). Meetup sponsorships can be just a few hundred dollars, and make a tremendous difference. Please reach out!

We've got plenty of room, but RSVPs via Meetup ARE required.

See you soon...

Aug 18, 2014
Tonkon Torp LLP

Nick Chappel will do a lightning talk on his graphite replacement constructed from riemman, influx db, and grafana.

Cooper Stevenson will take us through his design and deployment of his new website built on angular and node.

Sean Kane is going to give a talk on automation of hardware at Velocity NY and is going to beta test his talk on all of us. The talk tilte is: Automated Hardware Provisioning in the Real-world

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Aug 27, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night
Urban Airship Inc

Come join us for Pythonic talks!

All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.

This month:

  • Development of fast responding websites with Django, Angular.js and REST by Hannes Hapke

  • Reverse Q&A with Rob Bednark

Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage.

RSVP at Meetup

Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!

Mar 8, 2018
Angular Portland March: AOT, TDD, & NativeScript!

We've got three awesome 15 minute talks for you this month!

Venue and Food
This month we're hosted by the fantastic folks at Vacasa, and food this month is brought to you by Apex Systems!

Our Talks
Setting Up AOT with ngUpgrade: We all love the CLI, but in an ngUpgrade project, you can't always use it. Yet we need to be able to take both Angular and AngularJS to production. That means we need to be able to set up our Angular project and our Webpack build to use Angular's AOT compiler. In this talk, Sam Julien will show you how to do it and what pitfalls to avoid.

_(ツ)_/¯ Works on my machine: a practical approach to TDD: How do you know if your code works? common stigma: [“You should writes tests", "If you don't write tests from the start, you'll never get around to it”, “I never have time to write tests”]. Nathan Brenner is here to show you how he got around these hurdles.

Say Bye Bye to Hybrid apps, and Hello to NativeScript: Ever wanted to develop native mobile apps but couldn’t find the time to learn new languages? Or, you tried hybrid app development but were not happy with the performance? NativeScript is here to offer you the best of hybrid and native development workflow. With NativeScript, you are already a Mobile app developer! You will get a development experience which is similar to the web, while still getting a native mobile app as the end result. AND you can get to market up to 5x faster than a native approach, with no compromise to performance. Shiva Prasad joins us remotely all the way from India for this exciting talk!

Our Speakers
Sam Julien (@samjulien) is the founder of and a C# and JavaScript developer at Energy Trust of Oregon. He's also the co-organizer of this meetup (woot!).

Nathan Brenner (@njbrenner) is a senior software engineer with lots of Angular experience. He's currently funemployed but that's subject to change.

Shiva Prasad (@MultiShiv19) is a Lead Software Developer at Bfit Technologies, a partner at, and a NativeScript Developer Expert.
