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Viewing 6 past events matching “acm” by Location.

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Nov 17, 2008
FMCAD 2008 (Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design)
through Embassy Suites Portland--Downtown

Important Dates

Early Registration Deadline: October 14, 2008 Hotel Registration Deadline: October 18, 2008

Conference Overview

FMCAD 2008 is the eighth in a series of conferences on the theory and application of formal methods in hardware and system design and verification. In 2005, the bi-annual FMCAD and sister conference CHARME decided to merge to form an annual conference with a unified community. The resulting unified FMCAD provides a leading international forum to researchers and practitioners in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for formally reasoning about computing systems, as well as open challenges therein.

Local Information

The Conference will be held at the Embassy Suites (Downtown) in Portland, Oregon. We have negotiated a special rate with the hotel for conference attendees. Please book early to secure the reduced rate. For details, please see the conference web page. A dinner cruise on the Willamette River is planned.

Technical Program

The technical program is available at the conference web page. It includes 2 invited keynotes, 4 invited tutorials, 24 regular papers, 4 short papers, and 2 panels.


o Ken McMillan (Cadence): Interpolation -- Theory and Applications o Carl Seger (Intel): Formal Methods and Physical Design: Match Made in Heaven or Fools' Paradise?


o Kevin Jones (Rambus): Analog and Mixed Signal Verification: The State of the Art and some Open Problems o Moshe Levinger (IBM): Building a Bridge: From Pre-Silicon Verification to Post-Silicon Validation o Byron Cook (Microsoft): Computing Bounds on Space and Time for Hardware Compilation. o David Hardin (Rockwell Collins): Considerations in the Design and Verification of Microprocessors for Safety-Critical and Security-Critical Applications.


o High Level Design and ESL: Who Cares? o The Future of Formal: Academic, IC, EDA, and Software Perspectives


    Sponsored by: IEEE CEDA

In cooperation with: ACM SIGDA Financial support: Cadence, Galois, IBM, Intel, NEC, Synopsys

Mar 21, 2014
Bridging the Digital and Physical Divide
PCC Cascade Campus

Hear Portland’s own Second Story Studio, SapientNitro Matt Arnold and David Waingarten present their approach to creating narrative spaces and interactive digital art.

Oct 18, 2013
ACM Tech Talk: Connecting Android to MySQL: An Interactive Tutorial
Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

In this talk, we will cover the basics of how to connect an Android device to a MySQL database. The technique used is adaptable to any database server (SQL Server, PostGRES, etc...)

As you probably know, Android does not have a built in functionality to access remote databases, instead it uses SQLLite, a flat file system.

However, using Java EE 7 and a simple PHP connectivity script, it is practically trivial to do the basic CRUD operations on a remotely hosted database.

Bring a laptop with Java 7 and Android SDK with Eclipse installed, and get ready to code. Or just bring yourself, and a sheet will be passed to have the connection code EMAILED to you after the venue.

About the speaker: Sean Walsh (aka Azadi) is the current vice chair of the Portland State Chapter of the ACM. Sean is currently finishing his Bachelor's of Computer Science with a Mathematics Minor at Portland State University, and has industry experience with deploying mobile apps for Android.

Nov 24, 2015
[ACM Event] Pair Programming and Test-Driven Development Workshop
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) Room FAB 40-07

Come practice Pair Programming and Test-Driven Development with us. Pair Programming is an Agile methodology in which two developers share a single workstation and work together to solve some problem. Test-Driven Development is a development process that relies on the repetition of a short development cycle driven by writing tests before any implementation code. Red, Green, Refactor.

Contact ACM:
E-mail: [email protected]

Aug 11, 2015
Random by Bart Massey
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) Room FAB 88-10

Randomness is philosophically interesting and really important to technologists. I will survey a bunch of random stuff, including:

Applications of randomness, including cryptography and game theory (they’re related). A hypothetical Poker server will be a running example.

Various definitions of “random”, including one good one and several bad ones used by most software people.

Pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). Hardware random number generators, including entropy gatherers. I will show an open-hardware open-source high speed true random number generator built by Bdale Garbee and Keith Packard that I’ve been involved with, which will provide 12Mb/s of random bits through a USB port for about $15.

Statistical tests of randomness and how various popular PRNGs fail.

Randomized algorithms, including my well-polished minitalk on The Perfect Shuffle and a discussion of “Telephone Poker”.

Participants will write code for a couple of popular PRNGs and evaluate their performance during the session.

If you want to understand randomness better (and you should), this is the talk for you.

Nov 1, 2013
ACM Tech Talk: Student Success in Finding a Career
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

Ever wondered what makes a student successful in landing that career after university life ends? Ever wanted to find that competitive edge that makes you stand out from the crowd? If you answered yes to either of the above questions, this tech talk is for you.

Frank Goovaerts is the Interim Director of Student Success at Portland State University at MCECS, and will be giving a tech talk on how to get that extra edge and what services he offers to help students transition from college to career.
