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Apr 15, 2020
Photography, Visual Media, and Your Brand with Aaron Hockley of Tech Photo Guy

The photography world has been upended a few times in the last couple of decades and with all professional photography on hiatus for the time being, we'll find out if this leads to another major change. What hasn't changed is that every business, from startup to corporation, needs to have images of their people, products, venues, and other resources. These photos end up on websites, social media, in print, at those things called conferences that we used to do, and elsewhere. Folks are going to notice the difference between an organization that has solid consistent imagery versus an outfit where you can tell that their visual brand was an afterthought.

What does photography and visual branding look like for a startup or other organization in 2020 and beyond? When should you hire a pro and when should you do it yourself? If you can afford the same gear as a pro, what else are they bringing to the table that you don't have? Should you invest in photography proactively, or react as you have a need for pictures? Let's talk about visual media and photography.

Join us for a mentor Q&A with Aaron Hockley of Hockley Photography and Aaron is a professional photographer with a background in the tech world; he's photographed quite a few Portland tech startups and organizations over the past 12 years. The Professional Photographers of America has recognized him as a Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman, which means that he knows a thing or two (maybe even three!) about making and using effective images.

