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Viewing 0 current events matching “TiE Pitch Club” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “TiE Pitch Club” by Date.

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Feb 25, 2015
TiE Oregon Pitch Club featuring Jason Saunders (Saunders Kelly Acheson)
Tonkon Torp LLP

Founders: need insights into how to insulate your personal finance life from entrepreneurial risk? Then join us for a talk by Jason Saunders of SKA Wealth Management. What? You have no wealth to manage, I hear you say? There are definitely steps you can take to ensure you are financially positioned to take on the adventure of entrepreneurship, well before there is wealth to manage!

As a bonus, we will also be talking about Oregon's new crowdfunding law, courtesy of event sponsors Tonkon Torp.

And of course we will be practicing your pitches, and provide you with valuable feedback. Bring your elevator-, concept-, co-founder-, sales- or investor pitch, plug in your laptop with your slides (or present without a slide deck), and get actionable feedback and constructive criticism from an audience of your peers, investors, TiE Mentors, etc.

Check it all out at

Cost; TiE Members: FREE (and pre-register a non-member guest for $10), public/non-members: $25

Mar 25, 2015
TiE Oregon Pitch Club, featuring Diane Fraiman
Venue To Be Announced

Join us for another edition of TiE Oregon Pitch Club!

Pitch Club offers an open, supportive environment for entrepreneurs to practice their pitches and get actionable and constructive feedback. Bring your presentation and plug into the A/V system, or pitch without a slide deck. Or, come check out new companies and ideas, and provide feedback to the presenters!

All kinds of pitches are welcome: elevator-, concept-, sales-, co-founder-, or investor pitches.

Watch this space for registration info!