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Sep 25, 2012
Oregon Computer Consultants Assn. September 2012 Meeting
Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center

Free and open to the public RSVP to

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - 6 pm

Location: Red Lion at the Convention Center 1021 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232

Agenda: 6:00--6:20 Networking 6:20--7:00 No-host dinner 7:00--7:30 Introductions and announcements 7:30--8:30 Main Presentation (followed by Q&A):

What Business Owners need to know about Internet Marketing

The essentials that every business owner must know. Failure to understand these principles will probably cost you money. This will be presented both from the perspective of a business owner, and also from a consultant's perspective who must advise businesses.

Organic Search including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The big picture: where they've been, where they're going and the impact of social media.
Paid placement advertising: including Google, Bing, Facebook. and some efficiency tools.
Social Media: Facebook and Linked-In. When and how to use them efficiently.
Twitter: when is it useful and important.
Local Search will get time too, for both brick and mortar businesses and onsite service types.

Even though this will largely be big picture stuff, there will be plenty of actionable ideas and takeaways.

Presented by Scott Hendison, founder Search Commander, Inc.

As the owner of a computer & software store from 1997 to 2002, Scott first learned about search selling software and building a local on-site computer repair business using both Pay Per Click and organic search engine optimization.

He began working for clients in the search industry in 2002, and has been attending and speaking at national search marketing conferences since he founded Search Commander, Inc. in 2004.

Search Commander, Inc. is an Internet consultancy with multiple services and brands, including SEO Automatic (a toolset for small businesses and Internet marketers), GetWPress (Wordpress development and maintenance), and Portland Technology Consultants (PDXTC - web hosting & technical services ).

Scott lives in SE Portland with his wife and two sons, and when he's not using a keyboard or cell phone, is often found coaching kids baseball, playing racketball, snowboarding or watching tv.

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