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Jan 14, 2014
PDX Digital PM January Meetup
ISITE Design


PDX Digital PM is Portland's inaugural monthly meetup for Digital PMs and producers. If that's you and you'd like to attend, please RSVP at Eventbrite:


For our inaugural event, the theme is "Defining Digital PM - The People and the Role." The agenda is as follows:

  • Introductions and ground rules
  • A quick recap of profile survey results
  • A panel discussion on "the people and the role"
  • Wrap-up and networking


January 14, 2014 from 6-7PM! Show up between 5:30PM and 6:00PM to mingle and get settled. There will be time to network following the event as well.


We'll be meeting in the community room at ISITE Design. Beverages and snacks will also be provided thanks to host sponsor ISITE Design!


Portland's digital project management and production community is underserved when it comes to sharing knowledge and raising the status of the role industry-wide. Project management for the web is still in its infancy, piecing together elements of agency production, software project management, and digital strategy in a diverse role that requires a great degree of smarts and skill. Let's get together to share our stories and experiences in an effort to all be better project managers.

Want to know more? Visit
