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Jul 10, 2018
Cynefin & Complexity Foundations
through Hotel Rose

In today’s increasingly volatile and uncertain world, there is a need for new ways of making sense of current situations and managing in new and rapidly shifting contexts. Our past practices and approaches are failing us and what had worked reliably during more stable times in the past is unfortunately proving inadequate for the dynamic present. This course introduces concepts which challenge the deeply rooted thinking patterns that have been ingrained by years of conventional thinking.

Take a dive into complexity theory, and the practical implications for operating in a world of inherent uncertainty. Learn about the Cynefin framework – and how to apply it in organisations; how to make better decisions, dependent on the situation; as well as a range of practical methods that you can apply directly in organisations.

What it’s about:

Complexity has become a buzzword for the world we work within - this course provides you with the foundational tools to understand what it means to act and manage in complexity.

Cynefin and Complexity Foundations forms the core component of Cognitive Edge's training offerings. It contributes the basic scaffolds and key components of your sense-making toolkit for working in complex environments.

Who it is for:

This course designed for people who work in constantly-evolving, dynamic situations, dealing daily with uncertainty and risk, and looking for a enhanced compass for building organisations that are both resilient and innovative. Whether you work in an organisation navigating intractable problems, or are a consultant looking to include complexity principles into your practice - or if you are simply complexity-curious - this Foundations class is for you.

What we will cover:

This has been designed as a 2-day session - a combination of deep immersion into the fundamentals of working in complexity, and with the Cynefin framework. This will be substantiated by lots of hands-on methods-based activities, and group-based discussions.

The session will begin with an introduction to complexity, and the natural and human science that sit behind the naturalising tradition in sense-making. Discover and manage the evolutionary potential of the present by increasing situational awareness of the types of systems that we sit within, and how to modulate within complex systems.

The Cynefin framework has subtleties and nuances which are not easily accessible to the casual reader. Building on the basics outlined in the Harvard Business Review article, this 2-day session will help you dig deeper into the uses of the framework, accompanied by facilitated workshop activities and tools.

To see a brochure for this course, goto

Early Bird Rates End Jan 27th
