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Social Entrepreneur Hot Seat: The Insight Alliance



Portland has quite a few founders that consider themselves social entrepreneurs that are building social enterprises. Founders focused on both mission and margin.

We're going to jump in the deep end on this one and run a 90 minute hot seat where attendees of this event will help an existing social entrepreneur come up with solutions to their biggest current challenges.

This month we'll be working with The Insight Alliance

The Insight Alliance works in prisons and in the community with a simple focus: understanding the limitless nature of the human mind, and recognizing our own innate well-being. Everything we need to thrive already exists within us.

RSVP to come share some ideas, thoughts and feedback that can truly make a positive difference in our community.

RSVP https://www.meetup.com/socialentrepreneurspdx/events/301163589/
