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How to be a Successful Software Engineer after Graduation with In Time Tec

The Tech Academy
310 Southwest 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

This is a virtual event, please go to this Google Meet room at the time of the event: http://meet.google.com/vad-wsca-ggn



Accomplished Software Engineers and Technical Leads at In Time Tec, Brandon Snyder and Dallen Pyrah, are joining us to share their advice on how to succeed as a software developer!

Software development is a lot more than just writing lines of code! Join us to learn more about what steps to take in order to become successful as a software developer!

Join us Friday, August 12th at 1pm Pacific Time (2p MT, 3p CT, 4p ET) in our google meet room.

RSVP on Meetup: https://bit.ly/TechTalk812 RSVP on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/TechTalk085

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/TTA-techtalks

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn and network!


