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Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 2:23am.
15 MINUTE DEMO | Intro to Apache Airflow: Designing DAGs
Please join us on Youtube LIVE by using this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC60UW-1Es_xrOJKw2M4IYFQ/live
OR feel free to join us on zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/8981294545?pwd=eVhRQVlCelVMb3A5YmZnMTU1cWNiUT09
Meeting ID: 898 129 4545 Passcode: DataStack
Join us Thursday, March 10th at 10:30AM PST for ‘Intro to Apache Airflow: Designing DAGs’.
Webinar overview:
What is data engineering
What is airflow
Designing DAGs with airflow
Run DAG on the cloud
Resources to continue airflow learning
Data Stack Academy's Data Engineering Bootcamp
Join us on our Youtube LIVE for the webinar.
Meet the speakers:
Guy Cutting
Data Engineer, Instructor
Guy is an enthusiastic problem solver who has deep experience working with data, both on the front and back end. He began his career as a web application developer, working in ColdFusion, PHP, Java, and MySQL. He learned Python while studying Computational Physics and writing experimental control software for optics and radio telescope projects. Eventually his love of math and statistics led him into data science, where he learned to apply a wide range of models and techniques to gain insight from many different types of data.
Guy holds a master’s degree in Systems Science, an interdisciplinary field which uses diverse tools and methods to solve complex problems. Working as a Data Scientist helped him to realize that his real passion is for designing and deploying data processing systems that support front-end analysis and Data Science, and now his focus is in Cloud Data Engineering. He is an experienced communicator who enjoys translating technical problems for audiences of all backgrounds and skill levels. Guy is a Google-certified Cloud Engineer.
Parham Parvizi
Founder, Data Engineering Expert
Parham Parvizi is a founding member of Tura.io and DataStack.Academy. Tura is a group of professional Cloud Data Engineers and Architects, and DataStack.Academy is the most comprehensive Data Engineering bootcamp; training the future of Cloud Data Engineers.
Parham has been a Data Engineer and Cloud/Big Data Solution Architect for nearly 20 years working for major silicon valley tech companies. He started by loading floppy disks into an IBM 8086 machine to play games at the age of five. He learned programming as a teenager by hiding bookmarks on the shelves at Barnes & Noble. He now guides companies as a senior advisor on their digital transformation to the Cloud.
Parham is an Apache Software Foundation contributor and was an early adopter and contributor to open source Big Data projects such as Map Reduce and Hive. He was one of the founding members of Talend and helped their growth in the Americas and Asia Pacific market during the early years of the company. As a Talend ambassador, he’s trained thousands of users around the world. Later, he served as a Big Data Product Manager at Pivotal (currently known as Vmware Tanzu). He was a team member for Greenplum Distribution of Hadoop and led the team behind a Hadoop distributed SQL query language called HAWQ.
As a Data Advisor and Consultant, Parham has had the opportunity and pleasure to work with nearly every Fortune 100 company over the years. From managing thousands of node clusters to optimizing data tasks that you are familiar with behind the scenes.
Contact info
Data Stack Academy
[email protected] / datastack.academy/ Reddit: u/datastackacademy